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Manipulation Three-quarters of the French support the cessation of arms supplies to Ukraine

In the Georgian and Russian segments of social networks, pictures allegedly showed the results of a survey of the French regarding the "escalation of relations with Russia" being distributed. The opinions of the French on whether it is worth supplying weapons to Ukraine in the future were divided: 23.3% supported Ukraine, while 76.7% gave a negative answer to this question. It is not true.

In fact, the results of the vote were shared on Twitter when the question was discussed on the TV show. According to MythDetector fact-checkers, any social network user could participate in the vote.

So the survey results represent the opinion of social network users, not the French. In fact, according to various studies, the attitude of the French population to the supply of weapons to Ukraine is different. According to a survey by the "Institute of French Public Opinion" (Ifop), 60% of French people support the supply of arms to Ukraine, and two-thirds support economic sanctions against Russia. The survey also showed that 6 out of 10 French people support Ukraine's accession to the European Union. Russian propaganda systematically manipulates "public opinion" to create the impression that citizens of other countries don't support Ukraine.

Earlier, propagandists wrote that the Austrians were allegedly demanding an end to support for Ukraine, and the Germans were less and less supportive of anti-Russian sanctions. Also, over 3 billion people reportedly abstained from voting on Russia's occupation of Ukrainian territories.

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