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Fake The BBC reported that the SBU prevented an attempt to poison Zelenskyi with psychotropic substances

Propagandists are spreading information that the Russian news service BBC allegedly reported the following: the Security service of Ukraine (SBU) prevented another attempt to poison Zelenskyi with psychotropic substances due to an overdose. It's fake.

VoxCheck analysts drew attention to it. They found out that there was no such message on the website and social networks of the Russian service of the BBC. There is no such news in public access either, even through translation in Ukrainian and foreign media. The SBU did not comment on the attempts on the life of the President of Ukraine. Secretary of the National security and defense council Danilov and adviser to the head of the Office of the President Podoliak did not talk about the ways in which somebody tried to kill Zelenskyi.

Thus, propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities again. Like, the President of Ukraine is a drug addict, and the war only aggravated the problem. Detector Media has already written about the invention of propagandists, according to which Zelenskyi was invited to speak at a rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

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