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Disclosure SBU neutralizes a network of pro-Kremlin agitators

The Security Service of Ukraine exposed eight pro-Kremlin agitators in Kyiv, Zakarpattia region, Cherkasy and Vinnytsia regions. In particular, they distributed materials and narratives of Russian and Belarusian propagandists, especially concerning the “church theme”. Also, some of them called for a violent seizure of state power and a change in the administrative borders of Ukraine.

Among the publications of agitators, one can find the spread of a fake about a “juvenile Ukrofascist from Aidar”, who allegedly wrote “Death to the Orthodox” on the projectile. Agitators express open support for the Russian army in the fight against the “Nazis” using this example. There is no mention of such a case in the public domain, which indicates that this is fiction. Thus, propagandists are again trying to discredit the Ukrainian army and justify their aggression against Ukraine. Like, that's who Russia is fighting against - against the Nazis, who are destroying peaceful Orthodox.

Also, agitators published articles that tried to explain the use of the symbols V and Z in the framework of the war against Ukraine with the “Old Russian alphabet”. Like, Z is a Slavic letter meaning “land” and “a symbol of unification”. In fact, the use of the symbol was primarily practical and aimed to help avoid “friendly fire” among Russian troops. The propagandists of the Russian state media did not attach much importance to the roots of the symbol.

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