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Fake US distributes awards to Ukrainian Nazis

Propagandists and Russian diplomats are spreading the information that the medic and volunteer Yuliia Paievska, with the call sign Taira, is a Ukrainian Nazi thug who killed civilians, so the International Women of Courage Award is unacceptable for her. It's fake.

Analysts of The Insider drew attention to this case. They found out that Russian propaganda was still trying to characterize Taira as a Nazi. In particular, while in captivity, Taira was interrogated by representatives of the propaganda media, accusing her of supporting Nazi ideology. During this interrogation, then broadcast on Russian television, even Taira's hairstyle was called “in the best traditions of the Reich”.

In fact, Yuliia Paievska is a medical doctor and volunteer. She became known during the Euromaidan. After the outbreak of war in 2014, she traveled to the east of Ukraine and organized her own volunteer service, which also helped the military. As a medic, Paievska cooperated with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2018-2020.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists are trying to justify the actions of the aggressor again and shift the responsibility for them to the victim of aggression. Like, Russia is fighting against just such Nazis, who kill civilians in Donbas. Also, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Ukrainian civil society and the armed forces by inventing various horrifying stories about them. Using these stories, Russia accuses the “collective West” of supporting the spread of Nazism.

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