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Disclosure Russians circulated a document allegedly from the Kherson administration of Security Service of Ukraine, in which they order deserters to be “neutralized”

Such a document was circulated in social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The document says that in separate battalions and brigades of territorial defense in the Kherson direction, “cases of desertion have become more frequent”. Allegedly, in order to avoid desertion, the “document” gives precautionary measures, including “neutralizing the fugitive military on the spot”.

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council investigated this case and found that the document was fake. In addition, the first deputy chairman of the Kherson regional council, Yurii Sobolevskyi, also confirmed the falsity of the “document”. At the same time, as analysts explain, the “document” includes a number of inaccuracies, in particular:

The fake document does not comply with the formatting rules. For example, the secrecy label is not located in a specific place.

As experts say, there are no documents or orders to “neutralize” the fugitive military men. If a military man arbitrarily leaves the place of military service, he will receive punishment in accordance with the current legislation.

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