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Fake Ukraine “did not initiate the creation of an international commission” to investigate human rights violations in Ukraine

Such information appeared in the Polish segment of social networks, in particular, on Twitter. Reports say that Ukraine itself is to blame for war crimes, because it did not “initiate the creation of an international commission to investigate violations of human rights”. Like, in this way Ukraine wants to hide its crimes and whiten itself. However, this is not true.

The case was investigated by the Polish fact-checkers of the Demagog project, who determined that the fake quote belongs to Janusz Korwin-Mikka, a Polish right-wing politician and publicist. Janusz considers Ukraine “the main enemy of Poland”. However, his quote is not true. As the fact-checkers explain, the UN Human Rights Council created an international commission whose task was to investigate violations of human rights and humanitarian law in Ukraine. At the same time, the Ukrainian mission also made efforts to create an international team to investigate war crimes. Six EU countries have joined the cooperation, including Poland and the USA. Therefore, the thesis about Ukraine's inaction in identifying war crimes is untrue.

Evidence from the Commission of the UN Council on Human Rights shows that it was the Russians who committed the deliberate killings of civilian Ukrainians in the territories temporarily occupied by Russia. In addition, the Commission found numerous cases of rape, sexual and gender-based violence committed by Russians. That is, Ukraine is not trying to hide the so-called “its war crimes”, but rather wants to show the real aggressor - Russia.

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