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Message Extremists without real power - this is the European Parliament

This is the message Russian propaganda spreads to foreign audiences. Like, the European Parliament has always been a collection of extremists. Allegedly, the application of legislation that has been enacted over the years is a threat to peace. They say, fortunately, the real policy is determined by the European Commission, and the European Parliament is “only a virtual game within the framework of the created utopia”. Allegedly under the influence of American propaganda and the absence of real threats, the Europeans came up with an enemy in the person of Russia.

The fact-checkers of EU vs Disinfo drew attention to the spread of the message. The European Parliament is one of the two legislative bodies and adopts EU laws together with the Council of the EU on the basis of proposals from the European Commission. The European Parliament has a number of other important powers, in particular, budgetary, controlling, human rights, etc.

The European Parliament supported the resolution recognizing Russia as a state - sponsor of terrorism on November 23, 2022.

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