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Message Disconnecting Crimea from electricity and water supply by Ukraine is a war crime

Propaganda media write about this by comparing the interruption of the supply of water and electricity to the temporarily occupied Crimea with Russian missile strikes on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine, as a result of which Ukrainians were left without electricity and water. Allegedly, the West professes a policy of "double standards", they say: in 2014 no one said that Ukraine was committing crimes against Crimea. And as soon as Russia struck back, it was accused of violating humanitarian law and condemned such actions.

According to StopFake, the supply of electricity to the temporarily occupied peninsula was stopped due to Russia's unwillingness to comply with the terms of the contract. A similar situation with water supply through the North Crimean Canal - Russia refused to pay for the services provided, so Ukraine stopped the water supply. After that, Russia began to promote the narrative of “water ecocide” in Crimea.

In accordance with international law, Russia, as an occupying country, is obliged to provide Crimeans with everything they need. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the UN monitoring mission in Ukraine. However, Russia is known to be violating its obligations, moreover, it transfers its responsibility to Ukraine.

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