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Fake Vitalii Kim, a “gauleiter” of Mykolaiv, ran away from the city

Russian media and anonymous telegrams write about this. Like, “a bright symbol that charged the townspeople with optimism” suddenly disappeared. Moreover, postcards were allegedly hung in the city with a message about the search. The reason for the disappearance, according to propagandists, was the tense situation in the city. They also say that he was allegedly seen in Odesa as it is better protected. It's fake.

Vitalii Kim is the current head of the Mykolaiv regional civil-military administration, appointed by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in accordance with the law. Kim denied the information about his “escape” by recording a video from his office.

“They say that I seem to have run away to Odessa or something like that ... Where to run? There are fewer shellings, we are moving forward, there is a lot of work because we need to build new fortifications already on the territory of Kherson”, Kim said.

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