Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 24 October, on the 973th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Ukrainians in Lviv stole 14 tons of American humanitarian aid

Users of the Russian segment of the Facebook social network share a video in which the Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk says that the occupiers allegedly stole 14 tons of humanitarian aid including food and medicine in Lviv. These are, in particular, 653 trucks. However, local residents are allegedly wondering how occupiers appeared in Lviv, and believe that the local authorities were engaged in looting. Facebook users also note that this US humanitarian aid for the sum of 34 million dollars arrived from Poland to Lviv. This is fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. Iryna Vereshchuk did indeed talk about the looting of humanitarian aid by the Russian occupiers, but in the Zaporizhzhia region, not in Lviv. On March 31, 2022, she reported: “12 buses for the evacuation of people loaded with humanitarian aid arrived in Melitopol. Unfortunately, humanitarian aid was taken away by the occupiers. This is 14 tons of food and medicine”.

Also, Russian propaganda snatched information about 653 trucks with humanitarian aid from the message of the State Border Service. The department's website states: “The Customs Service together with the Ministry of Defense discovered 653 cases of non-receipt of humanitarian aid”, in particular, they did not receive “such cargo as plates for bulletproof vests, night vision devices, thermal imaging cameras, drones, motor vehicles, etc”.

Russian propagandists combined all this with information about the abuse of humanitarian aid in Lviv, which became known as a result of an investigation by NZL.media/

Thus, agitprop tries to discredit the Ukrainian government, which, they say, constantly steals and sow discord among Ukrainians. Earlier, we refuted the fake that 342 million euros of European humanitarian aid was stolen in Ukraine.

Fake Germany and France promised early accession to the EU if Ukraine helps overthrow the Polish government

Pro-Kremlin media are disseminating information that Germany and France allegedly promised the Ukrainian authorities early accession to the European Union if they help overthrow the Polish government. It seems that accession is impossible without changing the treaties, and it is Poland that is blocking these changes. Russian propaganda refers to Dominika Chosych, a correspondent for Polish television, who wrote about this. It's fake.

As the fact-checkers at the Center for Strategic Communications note, the Ukrainian authorities have not received such proposals from France and Germany. Moreover, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ihor Nikolenko, commented on this information on his Facebook page. He confirmed that there was no such proposal, and “[Ukraine] did not and does not have any intentions to interfere in the internal affairs of Poland”.

Nikolenko thanked the Poles who showed solidarity with the Ukrainians and noted that “Ukraine highly appreciates Poland’s support in repelling Russian aggression, support for our path to membership in the EU and NATO.”

Polish journalist Chosych, as determined by investigators of the BezBrekhni (No lies) project, whose words contain hidden Kremlin narratives, is playing along with Russia.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to create a quarrel between Poland and Ukraine, reduce the assistance of the Poles and discredit Western countries, in particular France and Germany. Detector Media reported on the message that Poland was “expelling” Ukrainians from the country to serve in the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Fake Graffiti appeared in Venice “showing the essence of the counteroffensive” - the image of a man and the inscription are almost completely covered with water

Pro-Kremlin telegram channels are disseminating information that graffiti allegedly appeared in Venice, Italy, related to the Ukrainian counteroffensive directly “showing the essence of the counteroffensive”. Russian propaganda refers to an article allegedly from the ANSA news agency and distributes a screenshot from their website with this graffiti. In the photo one sees an image of a man and the inscription “the counteroffensive does not end,” almost completely covered by water. It's fake.

The case was examined by the fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. They found that there is no such article or photo of this graffiti on the ANSA website.

Russian propaganda continues to spread disinformation about the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive on behalf of foreign media in order to further their message about Ukraine's failure at the front. Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to cause panic among Ukrainians and demoralize military personnel, as well as show that the West does not support Ukraine. Previously, we refuted the fake news that graffiti with “Zelenskyi the cannibal” was created in Berlin.

Fake A restaurant in Kyiv offers visitors “kebabs with Karabakh smoke” and a shot “to Pashynian”

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and users of the Russian segment of Facebook are disseminating information that the Kyiv Mama Gochi restaurant is supposedly running a special promotion - visitors are offered “kebabs with Karabakh smoke” and a shot “to Pashynian”. Russian propaganda is also distributing a video of a restaurant and a sign with the action. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the MythDetector project. The video, distributed by agitprop on September 20, has been edited. Russian propaganda shows a chalk inscription on a black board, where the center is noticeably darker than the edges. The Mama Gochi restaurant published a post on its Instagram page on the same day, where the real menu is visible on the board, and noted that this video is fake. In fact, there was neither such a kebab nor such a shot on the menu. Representatives of the restaurant informed the fact-checkers who contacted the police that this fake was damaging the reputation of Mama Gochi.

Moreover, the fact-checkers checked the video frames using the Forensic application, which allows one to extract metadata from documents on social networks, and the visual manipulation tool InVid. They found that Forensic shows one type of manipulation in place of the telegram channel logo and the menu board. It was also established that fake posts were spread by similar posts, published mainly on September 20, and the first videos appeared in the telegram channel “Ostashko! Important” (its logo is contained in the video), owned by a Russian propagandist.

Russian propagandists are trying to dehumanize Ukrainians and show them to be cruel. They say that the escalation of the armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh is a reason for jokes. By accusing Ukrainians of being indifferent and mocking towards other countries, Russia is diverting attention from its own crimes and the aggression it is showing towards Ukraine. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that in Ukraine they sell the House of Trade Unions candle with the aroma of marshmallow on the fire.

Fake Zelenskyi delivered an ultimatum to Poland: if the grain embargo is not lifted, refugees will turn the country “into one big Maidan”

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly delivered an ultimatum to Poland: if Warsaw does not lift the grain embargo, hundreds of thousands of well-armed refugees from Ukraine will organize Maidans in all Polish cities. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. Volodymyr Zelenskyi did not threaten Poland - there is no information about the allegedly issued ultimatum in any of the official channels of the President of Ukraine. And among the quotes in the interview there are no such statements either.

Moreover, the majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children. They are not “well armed” as Russian propaganda claims.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and create a quarrel between Ukraine and Poland. By spreading such fakes, Russian propagandists are trying to reduce the support and assistance of the Poles. Previously, we refuted the fake that NATO is preparing for the defeat of Ukraine and the occupation of the western part of Ukrainian territories.

Fake A security guard who accompanied Zelenskyi at the UN General Assembly started a fight in a New York bar

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and Kremlin propagandists are distributing a video of an employee of Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s security service allegedly accompanying him to the UN General Assembly allegedly starting a fight in New York at a local bar, The Campbell Bar, not far from the UN building. In the low-quality video, we first see footage of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the United States, and then the crush of a group of men. Russian propaganda refers to the American publication USA Today, which apparently published this video. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The video published by propaganda is a forgery. It is impossible to identify the men in the video, and the text accompanying the video is riddled with errors. Fact-checkers analyzed the bar in the video and compared it with The Campbell Bar - they are visually different. Also, the bar administration, authorized representative of the company Scott Gerber, said in a comment to StopFake: “This video is a fake. This was not the case at the Campbell Bar”.

Moreover, the American publication USA Today did not publish material about the fight that Zelenskyi’s security guard allegedly started. There is no information on this case on the publication’s website or on the company’s social networks.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ukrainian delegation in the United States and reduce Western support. Previously, we refuted the fake that Suspilne compiled a video of Zelenskyi’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.