Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 24 October, on the 973th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Message Ukrainians are aborigines as they ask the world for weapons

In anonymous telegram channels spreading pro-Russian rhetoric, including in Polish language, propagandists are outraged by the visit of Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to Canada. They don't like the fact that on the plane that Shmyhal flew in, one can find stickers in the form of an emoji of an airplane and hands drawn up in prayer. According to propagandists’ conclusions, in this way the Ukrainians are approaching the aborigines. They say Ukrainians do not have enough words, because it is a shame to humiliate themselves for the sake of weapons.

Although the idea with stickers is somewhat non-standard, this is not a reason to draw such conclusions based on it. In addition, such remarks are humiliating for both Ukrainians and aborigines, who are considered a special ethnic group in a number of countries as part of their indigenous peoples.

Thus, propagandists want to ridicule Ukraine and show that no one supposedly perceives it anymore. Like, Ukraine is again begging and begging to give everything to it. However, they are deliberately silent about the fact that Ukraine would not have had to do this if Russia had not attacked it. In addition, the supply of weapons to Ukraine is not decreasing, which indicates the continued interest of foreign countries in helping Ukraine.

Disclosure How “Russia house” in Warsaw praises Russia for the restoration of Donbas

The official pages of the “Russia house” in Warsaw publish reports about how Russia allegedly plans to restore and build more than 360 schools and kindergartens in the Donbas.

Analysts of the Polish project Demagog drew attention to this. They found out that such a message appeared on the official page of the “Russia house” in Warsaw on March 27 in Polish and Russian languages. One of the commentators of the message notes that “the restoration of, for example, MARIUPOL is something incredible” and “the city is being rebuilt at an unprecedented speed”.

Thus, propagandists want to justify the actions of the Russians and “smooth over the blame”. Schools and kindergartens would not have needed to be restored if Russia had not destroyed them. In addition, the report mentions planning to “restore eight buildings of the Azov State Technical University”, which was destroyed as a result of Russian attacks.

“Russian houses” in Poland are constantly spreading Russian disinformation, as they are directly subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Detector Media has already written about how this institution spread pro-Russian rhetoric on the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea.

Disclosure How dubious communities with the names “Military speaks” play along with Russian propaganda

Communities with names like “Military speaks” or “Voice of the common people of Ukraine” have become more active in social networks, spreading pro-Russian manipulative rhetoric. Analysts of the project “Beyond the News” drew attention to this.

They analyzed the creation and content history of four Facebook groups, namely “Military speaks”, “Military says”, “Military truthfully”, and “Automechanic says”. They were created on March 14 and 21 this year. In the description of the communities there is also a link to a telegram channel with a similar name, created on March 17th. To these pages, analysts also add the pages “Military speaks (CrazyNews)” and “Voice of the common people of Ukraine”, despite the fact that they were created several years ago. At first, these two groups published information about employment in Poland, but in February of this year they changed the appearance of their messages to republish videos from TikTok and Telegram.

The message of these messages is the same: “do not trust the Ukrainian authorities”. The administrators of these pages actively use information guides, distorting the message of the authors of the primary sources published on the pages. To do this, they add emotional titles or video comments. In addition, publications of other well-known fake makers are distributed on these pages.

The administrator of the telegram channel mentioned in the description of the pages is an account under the nickname Serhii Pekh. His video message can also be found on some of the communities mentioned. Analysts of the project “Beyond the News” found out that this person has nothing to do with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He positions himself as an expert on the legalization of Ukrainians in Poland and an influencer. According to analysts, these communities were probably created for their further resale and monetization of content in general, using an increased level of trust in the military.

Thus, for the sake of profit, administrators play along with one of the goals of Russian propagandists - to cause distrust in the Ukrainian authorities and destabilize the situation in society by creating panic.

Newspeak How Russia blurs reality with a newspeak: a “coup d'état”

“Illegal change of power” and “coup d'état” is how Russian propaganda describes the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014. They say that it was after this “coup” that Ukraine went on the wrong course and felt kinship with “the wrong ones”. Moscow convinced the whole world that “mass riots” took place in the Ukrainian capital, which led to the discontent of the “common people” who “arose”.

Russian propagandists use the term “coup d'état” primarily to refer to the Revolution of Dignity, an event that took place in response to the de facto usurpation of power by the fugitive ex-president Viktor Yanukovych. In 2013, he did not sign the Association Agreement and Free Trade Area with the European Union in Vilnius. After that, mass protests began, which became the beginning of the Euromaidan. One of the reasons for the bloody clashes between peaceful Ukrainians and proteges of Yanukovych was the beating of students who came to the rally to complain about the failure of the agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

Using the term “coup d'état”, Russian propaganda alludes to the illegal seizure of power by the so-called “nationalists” who took power into their own hands. However, in fact, Yanukovych's policy was to massively russify Ukraine, in order to later turn it into a Russian colony. And the government of Azarov, under the leadership of Yanukovych, seized power in Ukraine. After the beating of Ukrainian students on the orders of Yanukovych, the Ukrainian people did not commit a “coup d'état”, but fought for freedom, dignity and the right to call themselves Europeans. At a time when Ukrainians were dying for the foundations of democracy, Yanukovych fled Ukraine on his own and thus renounced power.

Fake Hunter Biden financed the creation of biological weapons in Ukraine, as evidenced by the documents of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Propagandists distribute photos depicting an archival document of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to it, on February 24, 2022, all materials related to the activities of Ukrainian laboratories collaborating with the American company Metabiota were allegedly specifically destroyed. Users spreading this information add that this is evidence that the son of US President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, personally oversaw this operation. It's fake.

Analysts of the Lithuanian project 15min drew attention to it. They found that the “document” contained many grammatical errors, indicating that it was probably written by a non-native speaker. In addition, Hunter Biden's involvement with Metabiota Inc. has not been proven. When searching for information about this, one can only find articles in the state Chinese and Russian media on this topic. Metabiota collects disease information and sends specialists to countries upon request. Collaboration with the company's scientists, as stated in the document, cannot mean working on biological weapons.

Thus, propagandists want to justify their aggression against Ukraine and again discredit the family of the US president. Together with conspiracy theorists, they repeatedly hacked into Hunter Biden's personal laptop and leaked data from it to the network, independently drawing conclusions based on these materials.

Fake Ukraine does not long for creating a commission to investigate the tragedy in Bucha

Propagandists are spreading a quote from a Polish deputy from the Confederation party, Janusz Korwin-Mikke. He claims that Ukraine does not want to create a commission to investigate the tragedy in Bucha, hinting that the events in Bucha were staged. It is not true.

Analysts of the Polish project Demagog drew attention to the quote. They found out that this is not the first statement of the deputy on the subject of Bucha. In particular, earlier he said that the Ukrainian military is responsible for the tragedy in Bucha. In addition, an Investigative Commission on crimes in Ukraine (including the events in Bucha) was created on March 4 last year at the initiative of Ukraine. Then the Commission concluded that the Russian armed forces killed civilians in 17 settlements of the Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Sumy regions with the largest number of victims in the Kyiv region (in particular, in Bucha). In June 2022, Commission Chairman Eric Moese stated that the Russian military had committed these war crimes.

In addition, in February 2022, Ukraine initiated the creation of an international group responsible for collecting materials on crimes committed by Russians on its territory. The initiative was joined by Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, the USA, the International Criminal Court and the Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation. Within the framework of the Eurojust, the ​​International Centre for Prosecution of the crime of Aggression (ICPA) was created, which collects evidence to bring perpetrators of crimes to justice.

In addition, at the end of March this year, Ukraine hosted the Bucha Summit, which was convened to strengthen international cooperation in the investigation of the tragedy. As a result of the meeting, the Bucha Declaration was created on strengthening responsibility for crimes committed against Ukraine.

Using such statements, politicians from different countries want to shift the responsibility for the actions of the aggressor onto the victim of aggression. This is skillfully used by propagandists, spreading narratives that the tragedy in Bucha is a staging.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.