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Disclosure How “Russia house” in Warsaw praises Russia for the restoration of Donbas

The official pages of the “Russia house” in Warsaw publish reports about how Russia allegedly plans to restore and build more than 360 schools and kindergartens in the Donbas.

Analysts of the Polish project Demagog drew attention to this. They found out that such a message appeared on the official page of the “Russia house” in Warsaw on March 27 in Polish and Russian languages. One of the commentators of the message notes that “the restoration of, for example, MARIUPOL is something incredible” and “the city is being rebuilt at an unprecedented speed”.

Thus, propagandists want to justify the actions of the Russians and “smooth over the blame”. Schools and kindergartens would not have needed to be restored if Russia had not destroyed them. In addition, the report mentions planning to “restore eight buildings of the Azov State Technical University”, which was destroyed as a result of Russian attacks.

“Russian houses” in Poland are constantly spreading Russian disinformation, as they are directly subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Detector Media has already written about how this institution spread pro-Russian rhetoric on the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea.

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