Spilnota Detector Media
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Викриття Russians continue to send Ukrainian children from the occupied territories of Donbas to Russia for “re-education”

Russian invaders continue to carry out large-scale deportation of Ukrainian children to Russian territory under the pretext of so-called recreation in children's camps. As reported by the Center for National Resistance, this is also about propaganda “re-education” of the younger generation.

Thus, 430 children from occupied Donetsk are being sent by local collaborators to Taganrog (Russia) for preventive rest. There, Ukrainian students will undergo a two-week course of “re-education”. That is, we are talking primarily about the militarization and Russification of children.

The CNS adds that there are known cases where parents, having sent their children to such camps, are subsequently unable to return them due to bureaucratic or physical obstacles, which threatens family reunification.

Information about occupiers and collaborators can be sent to the anonymous telegram bot CNS. Also there, after reading the instructions, one can learn how to bring the time of deoccupation of Ukrainian lands closer.

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