Фейк Lies that stores in Ukraine sell stolen dry rations of the Armed Forces
Russian Telegram channels are spreading a video in which a man says that Ukrainian stores sell dry rations intended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the video, he shows soup packed in a khaki-colored vacuum-sealed bag as supposed evidence.
However, the label of the soup shown in the video differs from the label of the original dry rations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The manufacturer of the soup is the company Veres, which sells these products legally, and both civilians and military personnel can buy them in Ukrainian stores.
The packaging clearly indicates that the producer of the buckwheat soup with pork is Veres. This soup, along with other ready-made meals by Veres, is available for purchase at stores like Epicenter and other retail chains in Ukraine. Nowhere on the packaging does it state that the product is exclusively for military use.
While AFU rations do include liquid meals, the packaging of the Veres soup is distinctly different from the standard military rations. Ukrainian military ration packaging typically features a minimalist design with white labels and black text. The khaki-colored vacuum-sealed packaging in the video is the only resemblance to the AFU rations.