Фейк Fake that the mobilization age will be lowered to 18 years
Russian propaganda sources are spreading information that draft law No. 10449 on mobilization measures and military training allegedly allows for the possibility of lowering the mobilization age to 18 years.
“18-year-old Ukrainians who have completed basic military training or military service will automatically become eligible for military service and can be sent to the front”, the propagandists write.
However, this is a fake. In April 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted amendments to draft law No. 10449 on mobilization measures and military training. This provides that starting in 2025, Ukrainian universities will introduce mandatory basic military training for men aged 18 to 25. However, there is no mention of lowering the mobilization age.
Previously, Russian propaganda spread messages about “socially unjust mobilization”; the intentions of the Ukrainian authorities to fight until “the last Ukrainian” and the “absence” of a future in the country. For Ukrainians, the topic of involving persons who are not subject to mandatory mobilization is debatable, and just one mention of lowering the mobilization age provokes significant social discourse. But propagandists do not miss the opportunity to incite hostility within the country and sow hatred towards the Ukrainian legislative authority, in particular, by creating such infomercials.