Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Volodymyr Zelensky ordered the destruction of "secret laboratory" research data for Metabiota and the Battelle Memorial Institute

Russian propaganda media wrote about it. In particular, the newspaper "Izvestia." The messages with this message are allegedly accompanied by a photo of a document that confirms Zelensky's decision regarding the mysterious US biolaboratories that allegedly operate in Ukraine. "The secret document of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine appeared at the disposal of Izvestia. It states that Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on the destruction of all data of employees of Ukrainian enterprises that cooperated with the US military-biological laboratories of Metabiota and the Battelle Memorial Institute. According to the document, the data of service members, civilians, and personnel of three organizations are subject to destruction: the Center for Public Health of Ukraine, the Mechnikov Ukrainian Plague Institute, and the Zhytomyr Laboratory Center for Transport," the propagandists write. However, all this is not true. First, Zelensky could not issue such a decree because the mysterious US biolaboratories do not operate in Ukraine. Secondly, the fact that the document is fake gives the calculation of the error made by the propagandists. They probably translated the text with the help of a Google translator but forgot to correct the mistakes. For example, in the document, instead of "personal file," write "personal," and instead of abbreviations "st." and "m.", meaning "street" and "city," use the Russian "ul." and "g." It is not the first time that Ukrainian propagandists have published their fakes out of ignorance. We will remind the subject of secret laboratories also appeared in media space more than once. Media Detector journalist Gala Sklyarevska wrote about this in detail.

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