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Фейк Ukraine demands Silvio Berlusconi's legacy to be handed over to it

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that after the death of Silvio Berlusconi, Ukraine demanded that all of his legacy be handed over to it. The authors refer to a statement by Dmytro Kuleba, allegedly saying that Berlusconi was a friend of Putin and would rightly transfer all his legacy to Ukraine. It is not true. 

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, and determined that Dmytro Kuleba did not say this. It's just a made up quote. Berlusconi has been known for controversial statements about the Russian-Ukrainian war. Yes, he accused Ukraine and President Zelenskyi of Russia invading Ukraine. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to this situation by saying that Silvio Berlusconi undoubtedly disseminated pro-Kremlin narratives in this statement. However, this does not give any reason to alienate the heritage from Berlusconi. The children of the former politician will receive it. 

Propagandists speculate on the topic of the forced seizure of property of Russia and its residents. This law was signed by Zelenskyi back in March last year. The law says that they will seize, without any exception, the property of Russia or its residents on the territory of Ukraine. However, we are not talking about third parties. This year, for the first time, the United States allowed the transfer of confiscated Russian assets to Ukraine. These were the assets of the Russian oligarch.

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