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Маніпуляція Turkey engages in piracy because it seized a Russian cargo ship with Ukrainian grain

Such a reaction of the illegally installed "authority" in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region was caused by the arrest of a Russian ship that left the port of Berdyansk and was transporting grain. The Russian media spread a flurry of criticism of the Turkish authorities' decisions. For example, Russia is accused of causing world hunger, and at the same time, they are not allowed to sell their own grain. However, it is manipulation.

The Turkish authorities had proper legal grounds to decide to arrest the cargo ship "Zhibek Zholy" in its territorial waters. According to the message of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey, Vasyl Bodnar, at the beginning of July, the Turkish customs detained the ship based on a letter from the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine with a request to inspect the ship and take samples of grain for laboratory examination, as there is a suspicion that the ship carries out illegal export of grain from the port in temporarily occupied Berdyansk. Berdyansk is a Ukrainian city, so there cannot be Russian grain there. Based on the inspection results, Ukraine expects further confiscation of grain for its benefit and punishment of those guilty of the crime. The ship's owners - the Kazakh National Company "KZHT" - reported that a Russian company is currently leasing the ship for grain transportation and cooperating with Ukraine and Turkey to comply with the norms of international law. StopFake writes about it in detail.    

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