Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк The Ukrainian military was replacing the dam in Marganets and plans to blow it up.

This information is spread by Russian propaganda media. In particular, the resource RIA-news. The reports say that the Ukrainian military are planning to blow up the dam in the city of Marganets in Dnipropetrovsk region and have already replaced it accordingly. In its statements, the publication refers to the notification of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The head of the Nikopol regional state administration Yevhen Yevtushenko reacted to the information about the mining of the dam in Marganets.

In his Facebook, the official called it Russian disinformation and noted that in addition to military action, Russia is waging an information war. "The news of the aggressor country is sharpened for disinformation, creating panic moods and increasing social tension on the territory of Ukraine. Use verified sources. If in doubt, seek clarification from local authorities and the district military administration," he said.

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