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Фейк The Red Cross reported that Ukraine was suffering huge losses.

The information has been spread on social media that allegedly according to the data of the International Committee of the Red Cross and reports of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ukraine "suffers enormous losses in manpower." According to StopFake, the publications are supplemented with infographics, which show alleged losses among the Ukrainian military. At the same time, neither the Ministry of Defense, nor the Armed Forces, nor other government agencies publish the number and names of soldiers who died as a result of a full-scale Russian invasion. On March 12th alone, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that 1,300 Ukrainian servicemen had died since the beginning of the war.

Oleksandr Vlasenko, a media relations specialist at the International Committee of the Red Cross, said that the ICRC did not announce the figures or estimate the death toll on either side. He stressed that the International Committee of the Red Cross is a neutral organization focused on helping civilians affected by armed conflicts or violence.

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