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Викриття The occupiers have prepared a pseudo-historical manual for teaching Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories

In particular, on the first of September lessons on “My History” will be held according to it.

This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to the GUR, the proposed "plan" consists of pseudo-historical facts and "crazy" ideas. It literally repeats the propaganda speeches of Russian television ideologists: “Ukraine was created by Lenin”, “the Ukrainian language does not exist”, “all Ukrainian heroes are criminals”, “Ukraine must be destroyed”.

Most of the theses of this document contradict not only historical facts, but also common sense. Propagandists claim that “the West, which feels like a global geopolitical periphery, seeks to undermine the unity and stability of the Core Earth” - Russia, more than 80% of its citizens belong to one triune people - these are Russians (Great Russians), Ukrainians (Little Russians) and Belarusians, - Eastern Slavs, heirs of the Ancient Godmother in Chersonese by Prince Volodymyr. In fact, the baptism of Russia took place in Kyiv, in Chersonese Volodymyr himself was baptized.

Emphasizing Russian imperialism, the occupiers will tell that "Ancient Russia, the Russian Empire and modern Russia were destined to become the heir to the great Byzantium, which was once the center of the entire civilized world, had the greatest culture and deep religious tradition." It seems that at first centers of early Russian statehood arose in Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod, and later in Kyiv. Although, in fact, both Russian cities are younger than Kyiv.

Also, according to the “plan”, it is advised to tell that “Hrushevskyi began to construct a Ukrainian historical myth revolving around Halychyna and publish a newspaper in Ukrainian, for each issue of which he invented several new “Ukrainian” words.”

“The Bolshevicks decided to create their own Ukraine, but in a communist way. This is how the "Ukraine named after Volodymyr Illich Lenin" appeared ... The Ukrainian language was imposed on people by force. In fact, it was the Soviet government that continued the policy of the Russian Empire and purposefully narrowed the use of the Ukrainian language.

According to an alternative history, "many of them signed up as Ukrainians for career reasons." In fact, the only nationality that contributed to a career in the Soviet Union was Russian.

They did not bypass the myth about the “Banderivtsi”, who allegedly “settled in Canada” after the Second World War and “inflated evil in post-war Soviet Ukraine”. As for the present, the US, EU and NATO "pressed on the Ukrainian authorities to turn Ukraine into anti-Russia."

That is why for infidels "a tense struggle must end in victory and the liberation of our lands and our people from the terror of Bandera."

Rewiting the history is a traditional tactic of Russian propaganda. Earlier, other manuals were developed for the occupiers, in which they were taught to answer the questions of Ukrainians in the occupied territories, or how to convince people that they are not marauders and murderers.

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