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Маніпуляція Poland received the right to give passports to citizens of Ukraine

Russian propaganda spread such disinformation. They said that Kyiv granted Poland the request to provide Ukrainian passports to citizens of Ukraine. It does not.

The statement contradicts the norms of Ukrainian legislation, which clearly defines the list of state institutions that have the right to issue documents. In fact, it is a pilot project, thanks to which foreign divisions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMS) can give documents to citizens of Ukraine outside the country. The first branch of the Dokument state enterprise was indeed opened in Warsaw. From August, Ukrainians can issue an ID card and a foreign passport. SMS reports that the Polish government has nothing to do with the new foreign project. In addition, they plan to open such centers in other countries; the list is agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

It is not the first time that Russian propaganda has spread information that Poland threatens the subjectivity of Ukraine or plans to occupy part of Ukrainian territories. This way, propagandists try to discredit the Polish government and the Polish. More details.

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