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Маніпуляція People in Africa support Russia's war against Ukraine.

According to the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, Russia promotes in the English-language information space the thesis that Africa allegedly actively supports Russia's military actions on the territory of Ukraine.

""The Moscow Times Russian website published an article about Africa's increased support for Russia thanks to pro-Kremlin propaganda in social networks and the media. In particular, the author refers to "authoritative" figures loyal to Putin - African pan-Africanist politician Cami Sebu, as well as Ugandan Lieutenant General Muhozi Kainerugabu," according to the Center.

However, the fact that there is mass support for Russia in African countries is a manipulation. On March 2, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution demanding that Russia immediately cease military action in Ukraine, the Center reported. Then out of 54 African member states, only Eritrea voted against it, so one cannot speak of any mass support, given this. "In addition, according to the ITU, as of 2021, only 33 percent of Africa's population used the Internet, so the effectiveness of Kremlin propaganda in the region is somewhat exaggerated," the Center notes.

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