Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Mobilized in Ukraine are prohibited from issuing ammunition

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are allegedly spreading the order of the commander of the military unit A-7053 (124-th separate territorial defense brigade). In it, he allegedly prohibits the issuance of ammunition to those mobilized due to the increased incidence of suicide. It's fake.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. They determined that the document was fake because the text contained errors, and the seal was added using photo editors.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian army, to sow discouragement among the Ukrainian military. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake claim that supposedly unknown persons distributed a document on behalf of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which recommends carrying out preventive work on homosexuality among servicemen.

Із перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення експерти «Детектора медіа» щодня протистоять російській дезінформації. Ми спростовуємо фейкові новини, деконструюємо російські наративи та меседжі. І гартуємо медіаграмотність читачів.

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