Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк In Ukrainian psychiatric clinics, Military Medical Commissions are held for further mobilization of patients

Social networks in the Russian segment provide a photo of a sign allegedly placed in the hospital, which asks relatives of patients to attend the military medical commission. Allegedly, these people will be mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

StopFake analysts write that the news was made up, and the sign was changed in the photo editor. This photo was published back in 2021 on the page of the Kyiv City Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 2. Instead of inviting relatives to attend the Military Medical Commission, the piece of paper actually contains the inscription “Registration”.

And according to the order of the Ministry of Education No. 490 “On approval of Amendments to the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, citizens with the following categories of mental and behavioral disorders are excluded from military registration: severe persistent mental disorders; mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol or drugs. Consequently, the vast majority of patients at the psychoneurological dispensary would not be subject to mobilization in any case.

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