Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк In Kyiv, they opened a “Khram” bar for Satanists

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that a bar ostensibly for Satanists called “Khram” (Temple) has been opened in Kyiv. “In addition to outright smut, there is also an active propaganda of homosexuality in the institution”, the messages note. It's fake.

The owners of the Khram establishment, despite its name, insist that they have refused to use any religious symbols and are not trying to offend the feelings of believers. In an interview with The Village, they noted: “We have no religion, nationalities, orientations, types, races, subcultures, ages. Our temple is open to everyone who is close to our philosophy - that the world is one and one must live with hedonism”.

Russian propaganda also uses the term “homosexuality”, removed from the official list of mental disorders. Currently, attraction to the faces of its article is not considered a mental illness and it is correct to use the term “homosexuality”.

Probably, Russian propaganda drew attention to the interior features of the institution, which has stained glass windows, 4 bars, an organ and a design made in dark colors, which confirms its origin for Satanists. Detector Media visited the institution and found no traces of Satanism or homosexual propaganda there.

Thus, Russian propaganda fuels the narrative that all Ukrainians are Satanists and Russia is fighting a new satanic regime. And, they say, the Ukrainian authorities are destroying Orthodoxy. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that Ukrainian children were secretly taken to Turkey for the sake of British Satanists.

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