Фейк In Kyiv, an image of a stamp with explosions on the Crimean Bridge was immediately displayed near the city hall
Russian Telegram channels and the pro-Russian online publication Strana.ua in Ukraine write about this. In fact, it is not so.
The idea to create such a stamp belongs to the director of "Ukrposhta" Ihor Smilyansky, who on August 9, after the explosion in Crimea, wrote: "What, is it time?" and published a sketch of the new stamp with the Crimean bridge.
The "CHESNO" movement picked up the initiative and prepared the "Information Resistance" exhibition for the Independence Day of Ukraine, a part of which is the "Bavovna over the Crimean Bridge" photo zone stamp. A huge stamp could be seen on Podil near the Ferris wheel from August until the middle of September.

On September 18, it was installed in Khreschatyk, near the building of the capital city hall. The explosion on the Crimean Bridge occurred at dawn on October 8. Russian propagandists, including presenter Olga Skabeeva, didn`t like the photo zone "Bavovna over the Crimean Bridge".

They complain about how Ukrainians can enjoy someone else's grief and take pictures next to images of destroyed infrastructure. At the same time, "CHESNO" urges: "Well, it is definitely an excuse to go there and take a photo!
To anger Skabeeva, come to the KSCA, the stamp is there." "Ukrposhta" has published a sketch of a new stamp called "Crimean Bridge - END (vsyo)" and is preparing it for release.