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Конспірологічні теорії How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: theories against the new composition of the European Commission

Conspiracy theories are an important tool of Russian propaganda, especially when it is necessary to discredit or undermine trust in international organizations such as the European Union (EU). The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council explained this using the example of the spread of conspiracy theories regarding the new composition of the European Commission, in particular messages aimed at discrediting EU institutions and their officials.

Russian propaganda actively uses the idea of an “inevitable crisis” as one of the main means of manipulating public opinion. In this case, the main message is that the new composition of the European Commission will allegedly lead to a “deep political and economic crisis in European countries”. Forecasts of such crises without specific facts or evidence are typical of conspiracy theories, since they easily cause fear and anxiety among the audience.

One of the main targets of this disinformation campaign is the new EU Enlargement Commissioner Marta Kos. Propagandists create conspiracy theories about abuses in the accession process of new countries to the EU, which undermines confidence in the EU enlargement process and causes fear among the population of EU member states. Using a specific person as a target is a typical strategy to divert attention from real problems and create an artificial enemy.

Another manipulation is the use of the new European Commissioner for Defense to promote the thesis of the transformation of the EU into a military-political bloc. This element corresponds to a typical conspiracy theory template, when changes in organizations are interpreted as part of a large and hidden plan that is aggressive or hostile in nature. In this way, Russian propaganda spreads fears among Europeans about a possible direct military conflict between the EU and Russia.

Another key element of propaganda is the manipulation of the topic of budgetary flows distribution in the EU. This is done to undermine trust between EU member states by speculating on issues of fairness and honesty of resource distribution. This approach contributes to the growth of tensions and conflicts within the European Union.

The main goal of the campaign is to provoke internal divisions within the EU. This is done by discrediting European institutions through the dissemination of conspiracy theories that question the legitimacy and fairness of EU processes. Russian propaganda also tries to hinder support for Ukraine’s struggle for independence and economic stability by weakening international ties through disinformation.

Conspiracy theories used by Russian propagandists are a complex mixture of catastrophic predictions, manipulation of facts and intimidation aimed at weakening European unity. These methods help Russia not only to spread disinformation, but also to create mistrust in the processes of integration and cooperation between European countries, which in the long term could have a destructive impact on the EU and its policy towards Ukraine.

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