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Викриття Deepfake Dmytro Kuleba had a provocative conversation with an American senator

An unknown person created a deepfake of Dmytro Kuleba to hold a conversation with a US senator via Zoom, posing as the former Ukrainian Foreign Minister. According to The New York Times, the attacker was able to communicate with the head of the US Foreign Affairs Committee Benjamin Cardin, asking politically provocative questions, including about support for the launch of long-range missiles at Russia. The behavior of “Kuleba” aroused the senator's suspicions, and he ended the conversation. Later, the US State Department confirmed that the senator had dealt with a fraudster using deepfake technology. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security.

The purpose of such a deepfake was likely to obtain confidential information, stir up political controversy, or discredit the Ukrainian government and its international partners. Although the Kremlin’s involvement in this incident has not yet been confirmed, the questions raised during the conversation were clearly of interest to the Russian side.

Such technologies are increasingly being used for manipulation and disinformation. For example, on September 17, Russian propagandists released a deepfake with the former deputy head of the Presidential Office Rostyslav Shurma, in which he allegedly called for ending the war on Russia's terms. Also, before the Paris Olympics, Russian hackers spread deepfakes and disinformation about these competitions, trying to sow chaos and mistrust.

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