Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Маніпуляція Boris Johnson hinders the peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine

The Russian media widely spread such information regarding the American publication Bloomberg. The source of this manipulation was a column by Indian writer Pankaj Mishra, "Ukraine should beware of the British who give it gifts." First, the writer's opinion does not reflect the opinion of Bloomberg L. P. and its owners. Secondly, in his column, the writer assumed that Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Affairs Elizabeth Mary Truss, and Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace were seeking to improve their political careers during the war in Ukraine. And that removing Johnson from the office will not solve the issue of British support for Ukraine. In November 2021, Boris Johnson said that the United Kingdom supports Ukraine because it was committed to democracy and freedom, not because of its hostility to Russia. On March 2, 2022, at an extraordinary session of the United Nations General Assembly, 141 countries condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And 39 countries, coordinated by Britain, have filed the largest number of war crimes in the history of the International Criminal Court.

Third, according to the writer, one of the British representatives' demands is to oust Russia from Crimea.

On February 24, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. On February 28, the first meeting between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations took place on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in the Gomel region. Several meetings have taken place since then. While negotiating, Russia has continued to kill civilians, shell and occupy Ukrainian territories, particularly in the east and south, to have a land route to the occupied Crimea and Transnistria. The Crimean issue was discussed on March 29 in Istanbul. Then the Ukrainian delegation, on its initiative and not under the influence of Britain, suggested that Russia fix in a separate clause of the agreement that the status of Crimea and Sevastopol would be resolved within 15 years in bilateral talks during peacetime.

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