Маніпуляція . Anonymous telegram channels <a href="https://ssu.gov.ua/novyny/sbu-vykryla-ahenturnu-merezhu-spetssluzhb-rf-yaka-destabilizuvala-sytuatsiiu-v-ukraini-cherez-telegramkanaly">administered by Russian intelligence services</a> are trying to undermine credibility of official Ukrainian government concerning the reports on war losses.
Propagandists claim that the tactic of hiding the real number of deaths in Ukraine has already been adopted. Supposedly, it has been worked out since the beginning of the war in Donbass. They claim that no one inform relatives about deaths, but instead it is reported that soldiers went missing. However, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and volunteer organizations have been running the database of dead and missing Ukrainian soldiers and civilians since 2014.