Spilnota Detector Media

Manipulation The heating season has been "canceled" in Kyiv due to sanctions against Russia

Russian propaganda continues to disperse the topic of dependence on gas from the Russian Federation throughout Europe and Ukraine, in particular. This time, the pro-Kremlin media wrote that centralized heating was canceled in Kyiv and called on the people of Kiev to “buy warm clothes” and they named the reason for this: sanctions against Russia. The propagandists referred to the words of the mayor of the capital, Vitalii Klychko. In fact, he did not talk about the abolition of the heating season, but warned the townspeople about possible blackouts of heat and electricity and possible terrorist attacks at thermal power plants.

Vitalii Klychko said in an interview with Babel that there is gas for the population, but in the conditions of the Russian war, the capital is preparing for possible terrorist attacks on Kyiv thermal power plants. The mayor of Kyiv did indeed warn of possible power and heat outages and urged people to warm up. However, there are no quotes about sanctions and the energy crisis.

“The average readiness for the heating season in Ukraine as of August 17 is 73%. As of mid-August, Ukrainian storage facilities have accumulated 12.6 billion cubic meters of gas, as well as 1.89 million tons of coal. The task of the Cabinet of Ministers is to accumulate 19 billion cubic meters of gas - this volume will allow a successful heating season in Ukraine. According to the chairman of the board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, Yurii Vitrenko, before the onset of cold weather, Ukraine will provide part of the missing gas through domestic production, and about 4.5 billion cubic meters of gas will need to be imported,” StopFake fact checkers explained.

Pattern: in the context of frozen messages about Europe, propagandists always mention sanctions against the Russian Federation. Therefore, the dissemination of these fakes, manipulations and messages are attempts to intimidate the population in order to influence the circle of decision-makers on sanctions.

Earlier, Russian propaganda already wrote that the mayor of Lviv called on residents to buy firewood for the winter, the next winter without Russian gas is an important test for Germany and Europeans are panicking due to a reduction in Russian gas supplies.

Manipulation Ukrainians will be punished for receiving Russian humanitarian aid in the occupied territories

Such messages are spread by pro-Russian telegram channels and Twitter accounts. Allegedly, such a crime is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. The propagandists also refer to the "law on collaborationism", which supposedly came into force on August 16. It is not true.

Ukrainian legislation does not provide for liability for receiving Russian humanitarian aid in the occupied territories. According to StopFake, the new bills, on the contrary, are designed to include humanitarian aid in the list of activities that are not considered collaborationism, if there is no cooperation with the Russian occupiers.

There is no single “law on collaborationism” in Ukraine yet. On March 15, separate rules on liability for cooperation with the occupiers came into force. There is also no single punishment for collaborators yet. Depending on the circumstances, it can be different: from a ban on holding certain positions to life imprisonment.

Manipulation The British have decided when they will kick Ukrainians out of their homes

The Russian media are spreading another manipulation about refugees - this time they write that the British have decided when they will kick Ukrainians out of their homes. As always, the Russians are manipulating the data of the survey conducted by the National Statistical Office of Great Britain. StopFake drew attention to the manipulation.

The purpose of the survey was to find out the portrait of people who took part in the Homes for Ukraine program, as well as to establish the period during which they are ready to provide housing to refugees and under what conditions.

“There were differences in how long the current sponsors wanted the long term appointment arrangement, with 19% intending to provide accommodation for the originally agreed period of six months, while just under a quarter (23%) intended to provide accommodation for more than 12 months', write the authors of the study.

In addition, the survey showed that of those planning to provide housing for a period of 6 to 12 months, 70% said that further monthly payments of 350 pounds sterling encourage them to make Ukrainians leave longer. 21% of program participants noted that their willingness to help Ukrainians is influenced by the rising cost of living. But it does not follow from the data of this survey that the Ukrainian refugees are being “expelled”, or that the British are tired of the “Ukrainian refugees”. On the contrary, almost half of the respondents propose to provide housing for refugees for a period longer than originally planned. And the British authorities, for their part, are working to expand and extend assistance to the British participating in the program so that they continue to host Ukrainians. There are currently 100,000 Ukrainians in the UK under the Homes for Ukraine program.

Manipulation Germany is persecuting the relatives of an "independent" journalist who tells the truth about a "special operation"

This is reported by the Russian media. Allegedly in Germany, journalist Alina Lipp and her parents were blocked from accessing bank accounts. Allegedly, this is how the German authorities reacted to the fact that Lipp shows the truth about the Donbas. As propagandists write, "the family is being hounded, persecuted and threatened." This is manipulation.

Alina Lipp is a German blogger who claims to be an "independent journalist" but in reality spreads Russian propaganda narratives. Lipp is included in the "Peacemaker" database for propaganda of Russian Nazism, informational support of the "special operation", etc.

According to the fact-checkers of The Insider project, the German prosecutor's office did block the account of the "journalist" because she collected donations in Germany in support of her propaganda activities, and then transferred the funds to a personal account in a Russian bank. Paypal closed the account of Lipp and her father, who lives in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Fact-checkers suggest that Lipp's mother's account may also have been blocked due to participation in a scheme to finance illegal activities. However, this information has not yet been verified.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to pass off punishment for the criminal activities of its colleague as an attempt to put pressure on “independent media” and “independent journalists”.

Manipulation The Kherson region will now have free medicine

This is reported in the Russian media. Allegedly, now in the Kherson region there will be no problems with the supply of vaccines and residents of the region will be able to seek medical help at any time of the day. It seems that this became possible due to the fact that Kherson doctors are switching to the Russian medical system. Like, in 30 years of independence, Ukraine has only destroyed the powerful Soviet medical system, so the Russians have to restore everything. It is not true.

Free medicine in the Kherson region, as well as throughout Ukraine, was before the occupation of this territory by the Russians. According to the Constitution of Ukraine: “In state and municipal health care institutions, medical care is provided free of charge.” The Ukrainian healthcare system has indeed undergone a reform. In particular, the number of hospitals was reduced, and the number of polyclinics increased. Both before and after the medical reform, anyone could, if necessary, seek medical help at any time of the day, because the ambulance system always worked. As the fact-checkers of The Insider project write, there were no problems with vaccines reported by the occupiers in the Kherson region.

We remind you that according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, the occupying authorities forced emergency medical workers to cooperate. Doctors were forced to obtain Russian passports, sign applications for work in Russian medical institutions, and receive salaries in rubles. Also, in all temporarily occupied territories there are problems with the provision of necessary medicines.

Manipulation Not to starving Africans, but to Western ports, Ukraine exports grain

The Russian propaganda machine has alleged that Ukraine ships commercial cargo to European ports, while African countries manage to make ends meet. In other words, the West allegedly lied, stating that the unblocking of Ukrainian ports is vital to the world's food security.

16 ships that deliver agricultural products to nine countries of the world left Ukrainian ports according to data provided by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. It has been reported that more than 438 tons of grain have already been delivered to the ports of Turkey, Ireland, Great Britain, China, Iran, Italy, and Korea, according to the UN, which monitors each Ukrainian ship. These are deliveries under pre-war contracts, StopFake fact-checkers learned.

At the same time, on August 15, a ship with 23 tons of grain as part of the World Food Aid Program left Djibouti. In total, they plan to send 30 tons of grain from Ukraine. UN experts approve the renewal of trade with Ukraine and note its impact which reflects in low prices. At the same time, Russia's blockade of Ukrainian ports, in their opinion, has significantly increased the threat of famine in African countries, which are currently suffering from a decade-long drought.

Manipulation Russia sheltered the most refugees from Ukraine

Such information is spread by Russian media and anonymous Telegram channels. They said that this shows that Russia is unfairly accused of "unthinkable crimes against Ukrainian refugees", and that now "another of the main myths of Ukrainian propaganda" has been allegedly refuted by the "dry statistics" of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It does not.

As StopFake writes, in fact, the Russian agitprop "forgot" to mention that, unlike other countries, data on Ukrainian refugees residing in Russia was provided with a caveat. Indeed, according to UN data, as of August 2, Russia has the largest number of Ukrainian refugees - 1,968,127 people. But the Office notes that "the figure is an estimate, as potential further movements or returns cannot be taken into account at this time." That is, data on the number of refugees from Ukraine who requested temporary asylum in Russia and the number of refugees who then re-crossed the border to return to Ukraine are not submitted to the UN. Therefore, the exact number of Ukrainians in Russia is unknown.

In violation of the Geneva Convention on the Protection of the Civilian Population in Time of War, Russia carries out forced deportations, and Ukrainians have to pass through so-called "filtration" camps. Children are taken to Russia and are deliberately separated from their parents. According to the deputy head of the US mission to the OSCE, Courtney Austrian, at least 18 infiltration camps were discovered in Russia on both sides of the Ukrainian-Russian border, which Russia had prepared even before the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Therefore, some of the "refugees" ended up in Russia against their will.

Manipulation Ukrainians are masse returning to the temporarily occupied territories

This is reported by the Russian media with reference to the CNN story. He said that the report was a "miscalculation of the Western media", which "suddenly admitted" that "what is happening in Ukraine". This is manipulation.

The Russian media used the CNN story, distorting its essence. As the StopFake fact-checkers write, it is actually about people who are forcibly returning to the territories occupied by Russia for various reasons. At the same time, the Russians do not allow Ukrainians who, on the contrary, would like to leave the occupation. Journalists also say that traffic from the occupied territories was blocked on the day of the shooting. According to CNN, 6,000 people were stuck on the Russian side, only 76 were able to pass through the checkpoint. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine also confirmed that the movement at the Kamianske checkpoint is mostly due to the occupation, but on that day the Russians blocked Ukrainians from leaving. Currently, this is the only way to get to the occupied territories, traffic on other roads is blocked for various reasons. Russian mass media do not talk about it.

People who entered the territory occupied by Russia said that they did not want to leave their relatives there. However, pro-Kremlin media made their own "conclusions". In their opinion, these people finally decided to leave Ukraine. This is allegedly indicated by the large number of things they carry with them. Some of the cars in the plot do carry a large number of personal belongings. However, most of them are not. This is visible in the general footage present in the CNN story. Therefore, the conclusion that everyone returns to the occupied territory for permanent residence is an exaggeration. The CNN journalist does not draw such conclusions but notes that those who want to stay on the Russian side may not admit it. The stories of the heroes of the plot also do not contain grounds for such conclusions.

Manipulation Europe will force Kyiv to make concessions to Russia

The Russian media spread the news: that Europe will force Ukraine to cede territories and satisfy the Kremlin's demands for further cooperation in Europe and the preservation of peace. They refer to an article by the Italian diplomat, ex-deputy of Josep Borrell, Natalie Tocci, which was published in Foreign Policy.

But this is a manipulation that StopFake drew attention to. Tocci did write an article about whether Putin will be able to split the unity of the EU by taking advantage of the forced lull in Donbas. And will he be able to win some of the country's governments over to his side by blackmailing them with gas and pretending to agree to cease hostilities for the sake of European voters? Tocci insists that Putin could consider such a scenario and there are risks of a split in the EU's position on supporting Ukraine, so he strongly insists that any talks with Putin will only increase the number of casualties and prolong the war, not end it.

The Russian media took Tocci's phrase out of context, where it describes Putin's desired scenario - and is now spreading it as evidence of a change in the EU's position on the war in Ukraine. This is a common message that is constantly promoted by Russian propaganda at the beginning of the war: the EU will soon tire of the war in Ukraine, it is weak, not united, and the Europeans do not like paying a high price for energy sources - that is why they will "hand over" Ukraine to the aggressor. In fact, to date, the EU's position on supporting Ukraine remains unchanged.

Manipulation Sanctions prevent Gazprom from supplying more gas to Europe

Russian media and users of social networks write about this. They said that the company cannot guarantee the pumping of gas, in particular to Germany, due to sanctions and "technical problems" with the Siemens turbine. Therefore, Russia absolves itself of responsibility for reducing gas supplies to Europe. He said that the "unfriendly policy of the West" and the lack of "maintenance" of the gas pipeline are to blame for everything. It does not.

The sanctions are not the reason for the reduction of gas supplies to the EU, since there is currently no gas embargo and there are no obstacles to the return of the turbine to Russia. A significant reduction in supplies is due to political reasons.

The executive director of the company "Siemens Energy" Joe Kezer believes that Russia is deliberately seeking to involve their company in the conflict because even the repair of the turbine cannot cause such a drop in gas pumping volumes. According to StopFake, even before the start of repair work, deliveries were reduced by 40%.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, after a personal inspection of the turbine, concluded that there are no technical reasons for reducing gas volumes. The press secretary of the European Commission, Eric Mamer, denied the information that the EU sanctions against Russia prevent the supply of turbines for the Nord Stream gas pipeline. He says Russia is using energy supplies as leverage to blackmail Europe over its opposition to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Manipulation Ukrainians stopped "falling back" on the army

Such messages are distributed in anonymous Telegram channels. They said that the only source of funds for charitable funds remained "earners", but they also transfer meager amounts. It does not.

In the messages, propagandists deliberately manipulate information that cannot be verified and unequivocally refuted without detailed financial reports of charitable foundations, which are not freely available. Since 2014, Ukrainian volunteers have been reporting that funds are not being received in their accounts, and the amount of aid varies every month. It depends on many circumstances. However, Ukrainians constantly help the army through official and personal initiatives.

Banks introduced the possibility of automatic transfer of cashback to the accounts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, transfer through rounding of the balance on a bank card, and other projects. Before a birthday, users of social networks post details of volunteer accounts and ask friends to make a transfer of any available amount instead of a personal gift. Even children are involved in fundraising for the Armed Forces, using their talents or skills. Many Ukrainians did go abroad after the start of the full-scale invasion, but they also volunteer for the Armed Forces. In general, both large volunteer foundations ("Serhiy Prytula Foundation", "Return alive", "Army SOS" and others) and individual volunteers constantly report on meeting the needs of the military. This shows that Ukrainians do not stop helping their defenders.

Manipulation The UN condemned the "attacks of the Armed Forces'' on the Zaporizhzhia NPP

Pro-Kremlin media manipulated a quote from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, reporting that the organization condemned "Zelensky's actions" regarding "Ukraine's attack" on its nuclear facility, writes StopFake. At a press conference in Tokyo on August 8, the UN Secretary-General did comment on the shelling of the nuclear power plant captured by the Russians. He said that the attacks on the station are suicide and must be stopped immediately. According to fact-checkers, Guterres did not make any statements regarding Ukraine's attack on his station. "Any attack on a nuclear plant is an act of suicide. I hope these attacks stop. At the same time, I hope that the IAEA will be able to gain access to the station and apply its competence," he emphasized. It will be recalled that on March 4, the Russians attacked the Zaporizhzhya NPP and shelled it, causing a fire. The US embassy called the Russian shelling a war crime. The occupier still controls the station. On August 1, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated that Russia uses the ZNPP as a "nuclear shield": they say, the Russian army has placed a military base there with the confidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not fire on it. Instead, Russian propaganda systematically accuses Ukraine of striking the Zaporizhia NPP. As the Center for Combating Disinformation writes, in this way the occupiers intimidate the EU countries with a "new Chernobyl" and commit nuclear terror themselves. The Russians are deliberately firing at the ZNPP, creating a risk of violating radiation and fire safety standards and the operation of the plant. Also, the occupiers purposefully destroy the station's connections with the Ukrainian power system to leave the South of Ukraine without electricity. 

Manipulation The majority of Ukrainian citizens switch to Russia's side because of the "atrocities of the Kyiv regime"

Russian media write about this with reference to the online magazine The Federalist article "As Ukrainians Defect To Russia, We Should Ask Whether Our Billions Are Saving Democracy Or Aiding Corruption".

The Federalist publication consists of a series of manipulative theses, which ultimately build a propaganda message about the civil war in Ukraine.

Since 2014, Kremlin propaganda through some American and Western journalists has been actively trying to impose the opinion of the internal confrontation between the Ukrainian citizens, the "civil war" in Donbas, and the "genocide of Russian speakers".

According to a May survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on the perception of the Russian-Ukrainian war among Ukrainian citizens, only 1% of Ukrainians have a "predominantly pro-Russian position". Another KIIS survey, also conducted in May, showed that only 2% of Ukrainian citizens have a good attitude towards Russia, while 92% have a bad attitude. More details.

Manipulation The West is winding down the "anti-Russia" project in Ukraine

 Anonymous Telegram channels write about this with reference to The Guardian article. Allegedly, the Western publication "without mincing words" describes "all the weakness of the remnants of the Ukrainian army." Like, the Western military is trying to teach Ukrainians at least something. This is manipulation.

Ed Rahm's article for The Guardian makes no mention of "anti-Russia". Messages that the West wanted to create an "anti-Russia" out of Ukraine are spread exclusively by Russian propagandists. The article is devoted to the story of how a "Mozart Group", volunteers, former foreign soldiers, conducted training for the Ukrainian military in the use of Western weapons. Ed Rahm is indeed talking about separate problems regarding financial support and insufficient training of Ukrainians. However, the article talks about this not as the "weakness of the remnants of the army", but in the context of the fact that people from various professions joined the army and stood up to defend their country. The author notes that only every tenth of the current defenders was a soldier before this war, but due to Russian aggression, they had no other choice but and took up arms. Speaking to the journalist, foreign instructors say that Ukrainian troops lack experience, but they make up for it with enthusiasm and determination. They respect the Ukrainian military, who, despite the circumstances, study, train, and do not lose their sense of humor. Russians systematically use out-of-context and distorted quotes from Western media to spread manipulative messages. 

Manipulation The West keeps silent about the events in Olenivka because Ukraine is guilty of the crime

Russian media write about this. Like, in any tragedy that takes place in Ukraine, the West always unjustifiably blames Russia. But, in this case, American weapons were allegedly used, so the Western press keeps silent. It is not true. Fact-checkers of the StopFake project checked the reaction of the Western press to the events in Olenivka. In particular, publications such as CNN, The New York Times, Guardian, AFP, Le Monde, Il Fatto Quotidiano, and others quoted the representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell. He said the EU condemns the atrocities committed by the Russian military, which are "inhumane, barbaric acts and seriously violate the Geneva Convention". The European versions of Politico published the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that France would support the investigation of the events in Olenivka and would seek to hold Russia accountable for the mass murder of prisoners of war. Information about the involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the investigation in Olenivka was covered by Reuters, The New York Times, and Deutsche Welle. Materials on the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war were published by The Guardian and CNN. Therefore, the report of the Russian media about the "silence of the West", which allegedly confirms the Ukrainians’ guilt, is false. Earlier, propagandists were convinced that the US justified the Ukrainian strike on Olenivka, using a distorted quote from a Pentagon representative. In this way, Russia tries to hide its crime. 

Manipulation The Kyiv regime evicts residents of Kramatorsk, cutting them off from water, gas, and electricity

Propaganda media wrote that Ukraine is evicting city residents, and turning off water, gas, and electricity. They said that the Ukrainian authorities are forcefully evicting citizens from the territories where the Russians will soon rule. That's what propagandists call the "forced" evacuation, which the Ukrainian authorities called "mandatory". On August 2, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued an order "On the mandatory evacuation of the population of Donetsk region". According to it, mandatory evacuation takes place following the Procedure for Evacuation in the event of the threat of occurrence or emergency occurrence, which was adopted by the government back in 2013. In addition to cases of man-made disasters and natural disasters, the document mentions military conflicts with the clarification that it is about mandatory evacuation from areas of possible hostilities to safe areas. The document prescribes the institution responsible for the evacuation, its order of duty about the territory, payments, and the procedure for resettling the evacuees. The Order does not mention coercion or sanctions against those who refuse to go. In a video message, Volodymyr Zelensky also emphasized that everything depends on people's decisions. Instead, the lack of basic communications in the Donetsk region is a consequence of hostilities, not a method of forced evacuation, as propagandists claim. In particular, problems with gas supply began in May due to intense fighting, MythDetector writes. In July, the mayor of Kramatorsk, Oleksiy Goncharov, explained to the townspeople that they should prepare for a severe winter due to communication problems. As of August 2, according to the local administration, 342 settlements in the Donetsk region remained without electricity. Please note that the words "forced", "forced", and "evicted" used by propagandists are intended to influence the emotional state of the reader. 

Manipulation Russia is ready for peace talks with Ukraine

According to the wife of the President of Ireland, the Kremlin media write that "the conflict in Ukraine will continue until Moscow and Kyiv agree on a ceasefire." Through the ex-chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder, the Kremlin is trying to inform Western society that Russia is ready to sit down at the negotiating table. This is manipulation.

Manipulation Ukraine exports food, while there are queues for bread in Odesa

Russian propagandists called the Ukrainian attempt to trade from the Odesa port a crime against Ukrainians, who "could get a real Holodomor-2". At the same time, they are distributing a video that allegedly shows a queue of several hundred Odessans for bread. In other videos, the queue is mistaken for the Mykolaiv queue, writes the project "On the other side of the news".

On August 1, for the first time in more than five months, a ship loaded with Ukrainian food (26,000 tons of corn) left the port of Odesa. The export of Ukrainian grain is, first of all, another step towards preventing world hunger. Unblocking the ports will provide at least a billion dollars in foreign exchange earnings for the economy and an opportunity for the agricultural sector to plan next year's sowing, fact-checkers write.

Secondly, export is an annual routine, and Ukraine is among the top ten grain exporters. In the ports of Odesa, 16 more ships blocked by Russia are waiting for their turn.

Manipulation North Macedonia handed over unusable tanks to Ukraine, which it was going to utilize

Russian media are manipulating about the transfer of T-72 "third generation" tanks to Ukraine, Insider writes. They said that they are transferring scrapped equipment from the 70s to Ukraine.

The T-72 tank was developed in the USSR in the 1970s, but it has undergone at least 14 modifications that are still relevant today. Modified T-72s are still in service in more than 40 countries of the world (among them Serbia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland, Uzbekistan, Syria, and others).

North Macedonia announced plans to dispose of its 31 T-72 tanks but linked it not to their unsuitability, but the transition to NATO standards. Ammunition for the main armament of the T-72 — 125 mm guns — is not produced in NATO countries. 

Manipulation Egypt canceled the contract for the supply of Ukrainian grain because Kyiv "lied" about the volume of grain warehouses

Russian media wrote that Egypt canceled contracts for the purchase of 240,000 tons of Ukrainian grain, which were supposed to be delivered in February-March, but was never shipped due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Allegedly, this was decided after the visit of the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, to Egypt. The reason, they say, is Ukraine's unreliable information about the volume of grain storage.

According to Reuters, Egypt canceled the contract because Ukraine did not fulfill its contractual obligations in March-April 2022 due to the blockade of the ports by Russian troops. Egypt officially assured the Ukrainian ambassador that it does not refuse cooperation and is ready to continue purchasing grain, writes StopFake.

"Egypt will conclude a new contract with Ukraine for the grain supply, as the Ukrainian side was unable to fulfill its contractual obligations in March-April, 2022, due to the blockade of the ports by Russian troops," said Mykhailo Nepran, the first vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He added that the previous agreement did not provide for a force majeure clause, so they canceled the contract, which cannot be fulfilled, to conclude a new one and make the purchase under it. 

Manipulation The cover of Vogue with Olena Zelenska shows that the war in Ukraine is fiction

This is what social media users write about. Like, the presidential couple in a country where war is going on should have more important things to do than meetings with public figures, attending concerts, and photo shoots. Apparently, all this is just PR for the president and his wife. It does not.

Fact-checkers of the Logically project write that the statement about a "staged" war is the personal opinion of individual social network users, so it cannot be used to generalize public opinion.

Photographer Annie Leibovitz shot Elena Zelenska for the cover and feature story of the October issue of Vogue magazine. In the interview, the first lady talks about "women's voices of war that also need to be heard". Communication of the presidential couple with foreign celebrities and their interviews for foreign media is an important component of Ukraine's support in the global information space.

Manipulation NATO has confirmed that Russia is not fighting at full strength

Russian media write about this regarding the report of the NATO Defense College. They said that NATO analysts "confirmed" that Russia "uses only a small part of its resources and does not use its main trump cards" in the war against Ukraine. This is manipulation.

On July 27, the NATO Defense College published an analytical report on Russian tactics of waging war against Ukraine. However, there is not a single mention in the report that Russia is not fighting at full strength in Ukraine. Instead, it says that Russia has limited use of certain military tactics against Ukraine, but this is explained by the intention to preserve part of the forces for attacking NATO countries. The main point is that Russia did not properly prepare for the invasion of Ukraine and made a significant miscalculation regarding Ukraine and its Armed Forces. Experts write that during the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army showed a strong material weakening of the troops and significant discipline violations. Now, Russia is deploying older weapons more often to strike the territory of Ukraine, which may indicate both the gradual depletion of the stock of high-precision weapons and the planning of a future war against NATO. The report also states that as of July-August 2022, Russia has probably reached the limit of conducting major offensive operations.

Analysts conclude that despite Russia's current apparent inability to defeat Ukrainian forces, the Kremlin still has an opportunity to correct its mistakes, strengthen its army and attack NATO countries in the future. Therefore, the Alliance needs to actively strengthen its defense, because "Russian strategic ambitions are not limited only to Ukraine."

Manipulation Ukraine banned the entry of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium because of her trip to Crimea

Russian media with reference to the Ukrainian edition "European Truth" write that the new head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Aji Lyabib, was banned from entering Ukraine due to a trip to Crimea. At the end of July 2021, Aja Lyabib, being a TV journalist at the time, went to the "Global Values" festival, which was held in Sevastopol under the supervision of Putin's daughter Kateryna Tikhonova.

The article in "European Pravda" entitled "The Dodon Effect. How the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium refuses to apologize for a visit to the occupied Crimea" is not about the fact that Ukraine does not allow Aja Lyabib to visit Ukraine. However, Ukraine expects an apology from Lyabib for his illegal visit to the occupied Crimea.

The author, Serhiy Sydorenko, notes that Lyabib flew to Crimea via Russia, thereby violating Ukrainian legislation. This visit was financed by the host country - Russia. After returning to Belgium, Aja Lyabib also resorted to statements that cast doubt on Crimea is Ukraine. At that time, almost no one paid attention to this event. However, after the former TV journalist became the new head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, the fact of an illegal visit to Crimea cannot remain unnoticed. More details.

Manipulation Western media admitted that sanctions against Russia do not work

Russian propaganda will spread the news that The New York Times (NYT) has stated the failure of anti-Russian sanctions. He said, "the West's attempts to stifle the export of Russian oil are returning to him with a boomerang." But it is manipulation, writes VoxCheck. In July, the NYT published an article analyzing the effect of anti-Russian sanctions. In reality, they have not worked as well or as quickly as Western governments had hoped. But this does not mean that the sanctions do not work at all or will not affect the Russian economy in the future. The authors of the NYT article admit that it has not yet been possible to stop the war, as hoped in the West. But not all sanctions have already started to take effect, and the action of some will be effective in the future. Therefore, the thesis of Russian propaganda about the "recognition of defeat" of the sanctions policy is another manipulation.

Manipulation Ukrainians call on the president to negotiate with Russia

Russian propaganda media spread the news that Ukrainians are calling on the country's leadership to negotiate with Russia "for the sake of saving the lives of peaceful people." As proof of this news, they cite a single petition that was created on the website of the President of Ukraine on July 26.

The petition exists, in almost two days it has received less than 500 votes, but even if it receives the necessary 25,000 votes, it does not reflect the real picture of public sentiment in Ukraine.

As reported by StopFake, a recent study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) shows that the absolute majority of Ukrainians are not ready for territorial concessions or compromises with Russia, even if this prolongs the war and threatens the country's independence. In July, the number of people not ready to compromise with Russia even increased: in May, 82% were not ready to make concessions, and in July - 84%. So, despite the existence of the petition, Ukrainian society does not currently perceive compromise as a possible option for ending the war.

In addition to spreading this manipulation, the Russian publication "Izvestia" simply lied: it claims that the petition gathered 30 thousand votes.