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Manipulation More than 3 billion people abstained from voting on Russia's occupation of Ukrainian territories

Such messages are spread in pro-Russian Telegram channels. While voting for the UN General Assembly Resolution, 3 billion people allegedly abstained from voting to condemn the illegal actions of Russia and the occupation of Ukrainian territories. It is manipulation.

In fact, the UN General Assembly condemned the pseudo-referendums that Russia organized in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories. The resolution was supported by 149 out of 193 members of the General Assembly, five countries voted against it, and another 35 countries abstained from voting. Propagandists are manipulating this choice of 35 countries. In fact, representatives of countries show not so much the will of the people as the ruling party's position in the state vote at the meetings of the General Assembly. Each UN member state has its interests first and foremost. Before voting, the representatives of the UN member states do not conduct any survey among the population. So only 35 countries abstained from voting. Their total population is more than 3 billion, but this doesn't affect anything. Fact-checkers of the Zaporizhzhia Investigation Center drew attention to the manipulation.

Russian propaganda systematically resorts to manipulations to pass off what is desired as real facts.

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