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Manipulation Dmytro Kuleba was surprised by Europeans' complaints that they couldn't live without gas and gasoline

The Russian media distorted the words of the interview of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, which he gave to the Spanish publication El Mundo.

When Dmytro Kuleba was asked "how to live without gas or gasoline," he answered that he was asking a counter question - "what about Europe's plans to transform into a "green" economy." His question hadn't answer.

At the same time, Europe has already found an alternative to Russian gas in other markets, which Kuleba also drew attention to in his interview. Kuleba noted that Kremlin lobbyists mostly promote the theme of the lack of alternatives to Russian gas.

Russian propaganda again used interviews of Ukrainian officials in foreign media to promote the narratives they needed: about the alleged futility of sanctions against Russia and Russian gas, which only cause damage and suffering to Europeans. Moreover, as Kremlin propaganda wants to show, Ukrainians allegedly don't appreciate such sacrifices. More details.

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