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Fake Ukrainians plan to sink the grain ship and blame Russia for it

Anonymous Telegram channels controlled by the FSB write about this. With this "provocation," they will allegedly try to strengthen the anti-Russian rhetoric that it is Russia that provokes hunger in developing countries.

Russia is a terrorist country that blackmails the world with hunger. It slowed down the grain corridor for weeks before blocking it, noted President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to him, Russia is the only one to blame because food products will become more expensive from West Africa to East Asia. Russia is the reason why people in Ethiopia, Yemen, and Somalia are left with catastrophic food shortages.

The Russian leadership is interested in exacerbating the food crisis, so it will do everything not to sign any agreements and not to unblock the grain corridor.

The fake about the sinking of one of the grain ships is probably a signal that the Russians already have such a plan. Propagandists work to preemptively shift responsibility for their crime onto someone else in advance.

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