Manipulation Western journalists "denied" the reports about the torture chamber near Kharkiv
It is reported by pro-Russian Telegram channels and resources concerning an article by the German publication BILD.
Journalists of the publication allegedly exposed and refuted "fake Ukrainian propaganda about "torture house" and "golden teeth" in the village of Pisky-Radkivski, Kharkiv region." It is manipulation.
There is no refutation of the information about torture camps for residents in the territory of the village of Pisky-Radkivski in the Kharkiv region in the BILD materials.
On the contrary, the BILD article confirms this fact. As StopFake notes, the question arose only about the container with the removed dentures, photos of which were published along with other evidence. The materials state that the local dentist recognized his box of dentures.
But this fact does not deny the authenticity of other tools for torture, as well as the existence of the "Kativen" themselves in the territory of the village. BILD journalists write: "One thing can be said for sure: in the village - as in many other places occupied by Russia - brutal torture was used." Residents said that they constantly heard cries for help from various buildings.

The article also includes the testimonies of victims of Russian torture. Russian propaganda tries to justify the crimes of the Russian army and deliberately manipulates information.
In anticipation of the events, they claimed that the Ukrainian authorities were preparing for a fake "Buchi-2" in the direction of Kharkiv and were convinced that the exhumation of bodies in the places of mass burials in Izyum was a desecration of the remains of the dead.