Spilnota Detector Media

Disclosure Russians began to use looted museum exhibits for fake news.

This was reported in a telegram by the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko.

"Today this photo went massively on Russian sub-publics, as if a trophy obtained in battle from the Ukrainian military. In fact, this medal is one of the exhibits of the Mariupol local history museum. Which was stolen the other day, along with paintings by Quindzhi and a unique library.

We are waiting for the appearance of "wheelbarrow", machine gun "Maxim" or German MP40 as a proof of Nazism in Mariupol. Feycomets are looters...", - he noted.

Disclosure The Russians failed to organize a referendum in temporarily occupied Kherson, after which they started saying that they had no intention to hold it.

The head of the Kherson regional organization of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, Dementii Bilyi, said that in temporarily occupied Kherson, the collaborators spread the message that they were not going to hold a referendum. This began after the Russians failed to organize a referendum on the creation of a pseudo-republic of the "Kherson People's Republic" ("KPR") and recognition of the occupied government.

According to him, in addition to the desire of the Russians, it takes a lot of people to hold a "referendum."

"Ballots can be printed and distributed on APCs or Tigers guarded by machine guns. But commissions are needed to organize the voting. Lots of commissions. And someone has to send people to these commissions. Some party or public organization or council of deputies. A small group of traitors, which the occupants managed to recruit during two months of occupation, is clearly not enough for this complex process," wrote Belyy in Facebook.

According to him, without members of the commissions, without officials with at least some lists of voters, without agitators who will tell them that "it is necessary to participate in the voting," without the media, posters of information posters - it is impossible to organize at least some "semblance " voting.

"Thousands of military personnel with machine guns and in balaclavas will not be able to tear the Kafirs away from the fighting so that they would spend the whole day in all the villages and towns in the region handing out ballots and then counting the votes. And, most importantly, there are not that many willing voters in Kherson oblast to at least hold that "referendum. The absolute majority of the region's residents are hostile to the idea from the KNR," explains the political scientist.

On April 16, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova reported that the Russian military is planning to hold a pseudo-referendum in the Kherson region in early May. On 25 April, the Russian military seized the building of Kherson city council.

Disclosure A fake cyberpolice chatbot appeared in Telegram.

According to the National Police of Ukraine, a fake cyberpolice chatbot - "People's Avenger" was created in Telegram.

The agency explains that through the real bot you can report the location of Russian equipment or left tags. In total, Ukrainians sent more than 47 thousand messages to the bot. "Because of such results, the invaders are on fire, so they create fake bots of the National Police. So they are trying to somehow minimize their losses and get your messages instead of Ukrainian law enforcers. Be vigilant and don't give the orcs any chance to mislead you. Report the actions of the invaders only through official resources", the law enforcers said.

Disclosure Russian propaganda messages are deleted after an average of two minutes.

Margarita Simonyan admitted that any propaganda videos produced by RT are deleted on average in two minutes on social networks.

"The problem is that we are blocked everywhere, everyone is under sanctions, so it doesn't matter whether it's our own brand or another brand, they immediately find where their ears grow from and immediately cover it up, two minutes is the average life of our video." To spread its own propaganda, RT plans to post videos of prisoners and civilians it records in Russian-occupied territories, translate them into European languages, and encourage Russians to spread them in personal messages to people living in Europe. She called this attempt to spread Russian propaganda a "people's information militia."

"There is no other way out - centrally on other platforms it doesn't work. We are being burned out." Recall that most of the recordings of captives and citizens forcibly removed to Russia were recorded under pressure and under the supervision of the FSB.

Disclosure Relatives of servicemen who serve in military units receive calls from intruders and offer to release their loved ones from captivity for a financial reward.

According to the Armed Forces of Ukraine the Navy, taking advantage of the emotional state of relatives and loved ones of military personnel, the attackers call from hidden numbers and offer to facilitate the release of their loved ones from captivity for a monetary reward. ""Thus, the attackers also want to know the personal data of Ukrainian defenders. Representatives of military authorities or state institutions do not collect funds! The issues of the release of prisoners of war are in the exclusive competence of the state authorities only," the message reads. "

Disclosure Attackers offer Ukrainians 200 hryvnia for voting in an alleged "online battle" between the TV channels "1+1" and "Inter".

According to MediaSapiens, offers to vote for one of the TV channels are sent to users in personal messages. In the text of the message they add a link to "voting," which was created through Russian Tilda. However, the message does not describe the conditions, reasons, or other details of the so-called voting. Fraudsters only offer to choose between "1+1" and "Inter", and then ask to log into your Instagram account and enter your data to enter the social network It is clear that people do not get any money after that, because this is a typical fraudulent scheme. According to MediaSapiens, after that users' accounts are hacked and messages are sent to their pages "with a request to lend 3,000 hryvnias".

Disclosure The video of "that terrible explosion at Azovstal," which is being circulated by pro-Russian telegram channels, turned out to be old.

Throughout April 19, the Russian propaganda media and pro-Russian telegram channels were actively spreading the video of "that terrible explosion at Azovstal." In particular, it appeared in the "Trukha-Ukraine" telegram channel. The short video does indeed show something exploding, but it is not an explosion at the Azovstal plant, but explosions at ammunition depots in Balakleya, which occurred in 2017. The fake video was brought to the attention of Toronto Television. Previously, the Russian occupants struck Azovstal with super-heavy air bombs. There were at least 1,000 civilians in the underground shelters of the steel mill. According to Sviatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the Azov regiment, the Mariupol plant was bombed and destroyed almost completely, Ukrainian fighters are pulling people out from under the rubble. As a reminder, Russian TV channels, including the Russian Ministry of Defense channel, are spreading information that there are allegedly no civilians hiding in the shelters of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. They try to convince us that the video with the civilians was not filmed at the plant, but "in other shelters. This is not the first time that Russia has assured that there are no civilians in the facilities it hits. In this way the Russian Ministry of Defense seeks to justify the crimes of its military on the territory of Ukraine. However, this always turns out to be untrue and peaceful people are killed by Russian strikes.

Disclosure Fraudsters swindle money from Ukrainians by assuring them that every Ukrainian can get a refund of value-added tax from 7,000 hryvnias.

Reports that Ukrainians can get back the value added tax they paid are spreading in social networks. In particular in Facebook. Messages of such content appear in the network not for the first time. In a message advertised on Facebook, a page called UA News with stolen branding TSN informs that "every resident of Ukraine can get a refund of value added tax from 7000 to 90 000 hryvnia". And in order to get the money, you need to follow the link and click "get compensation." "Next, you are assured that you are on the official website of the authorized unit for financial protection of the population - EKC PNGK. Probably, you mean the Unified Compensation Center for the Return of Unpaid Monetary Funds, which does not exist in Ukraine! Scammers engage in phishing, because they ask you to specify an email and the last six digits of the bank card number you use most often (!). Of course if you use it often, there is most likely money on it. The purpose of such scheme is to trick you into giving out your personal confidential data. Most likely, having specified this data, the next step is to enter the card expiration date and CVV2 code. Thus, the attackers will get access to all the funds in the account", - write the fact checkers of the project "Brekhunets".

Disclosure Russia uses deported Ukrainian children for propaganda.

The Kremlin media spread disinformation materials about how "the Ukrainian regime, imitating the Third Reich, sends children to war," according to the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. For this purpose, they use videos imitating interviews with children deported from Ukraine during the war.

Disclosure The Russians are sending computer viruses allegedly on behalf of the SBU under the guise of instructions on how to act in the active phase of hostilities.

According to the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection, the main targets of the enemy are first of all civil servants, whose phones, according to the occupiers, can be used to collect confidential information.

Disclosure Flyers are distributed in Kherson, where Ukrainians and "Western plans" are blamed for the war.

Russians in Kherson distribute false leaflets in which they convince that "the Russian armed forces are not at war with the Ukrainian people," and that the war began because of "Western plans" to destroy the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. The war itself is called an operation to eliminate the anti-people Kyiv regime.

The leaflets blame the Ukrainians themselves and their elected authorities for the Russian aggression: "the grief you have suffered is the result of the criminal policies of the Kiev regime.

Such actions by Russian propagandists are a direct admission that this war has nothing to do with the mythical "defense of Donbass. Its goal is the destruction of Ukrainian statehood and the occupation of all of Ukraine, the press service noted.

Ukrainians are urged to collaborate with the Russians and noted: "Do not think it will be quick and painless." This statement becomes especially relevant given that, according to satellite images from the company Planet Lab, at least 824 new graves have appeared in the city cemetery in Kherson during the occupation.

As of today, Ukrainian and international investigators are thoroughly investigating all the crimes committed by the Russians. They will be evidence for a special tribunal over both the direct perpetrators and the Russian top brass.

Disclosure Fraudsters created a fake charity website that steals personal financial data.

Fraudsters have created a fake website similar to the website of the "Help is easy!" program, which is a charity foundation of PrivatBank.

The bank's press service warns that the fake copy aims to steal personal financial data of Ukrainians.

"PrivatBank does not make benefit payments through websites! The bank's charity programs work to provide centralized assistance to the AFU and humanitarian organizations.

If you received notifications about such fakes, you should by no means follow the link to fraudulent resources! We do not work to stop and eliminate this and similar fraudulent resources," - say the bank.

Disclosure The Kremlin lies about the voluntary departure of Ukrainians from the occupied territories to Russia

The Russian media and state officials, including Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova, lie that people who find themselves in Russia voluntarily go there from the occupied territories - both those occupied in the last 8 years and those seized during the 2022 invasion.

Numerous testimonies of people taken to Russia, as well as other facts, confirm that this is being done forcibly. First, the Russian military purposely blocks green corridors - and people have no choice but to leave the shelling for Russian territory. Second, they are placed in filtration camps, interrogated by FSB officers, have their documents and cell phones taken away, and are threatened to receive Russian publicity.

StopFake writes more about the forced removal of Ukrainians to the Russian Federation.

Disclosure Fraudsters hide behind the name of Ukraine's ambassador to Germany and collect funds allegedly to save children in Ukraine.

Information about a new fraud scheme with an international scope under the guise of an American foundation and the name of the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany is spreading on the net. As factcheckers from "On the Other Side of the News" write, a fake fundraiser was announced to save poor children in Ukraine.

According to the reports, on March 26 Andrii Melnyk, Ukraine's ambassador to Germany, posted a profile on Facebook and on the 28th he started obsessively asking for money to support Ukrainian refugee children. The messages use emotional triggers like "urgency," "hunger," "disease," "human trafficking," etc., and there is also a link to a "rescue fund" page." It's all a scam, however. ""There is only an official page of the Ukrainian embassy in Germany on Facebook. The ambassador's account is actually only on Twitter. Through his profile Mr. Melnyk mostly appeals to world leaders, sanctions, embargoes and military support for Ukraine, but he does not collect donations from users of social networks and does not advertise any foundations.

As for the fund itself, it, like the ambassador's page, looks real, but in fact is fake. If the con artists used the ambassador from Germany for the deal, the foundation was stolen in the United States. The foundation page is carefully copied from the Save the Children organization. The logo, tabs, addresses, photos - everything imitates the real organization, which is now engaged in, among other things, helping children affected by war in Ukraine, Afghanistan and other countries where military conflicts are ongoing or may arise," the fact checkers report.

Disclosure The enemy's special services are implementing a plan to carry out terrorist attacks to fuel anti-Ukrainian hysteria in Russia.

In particular, Russian propaganda media reported on the shelling by Ukraine of a border guard unit in Kursk Region, bordering Sumy Region. According to the Center for Countering Disinformation, as of April 14, there had already been several "terrorist attacks" on the Russian border, which the Russian leadership accuses of being carried out by Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. In addition to the "terrorist attack" in Kursk Region, the Russian Federal Security Service reported that on April 14, a border checkpoint in Bryansk Region was shelled from Ukraine, which damaged two vehicles, but no one was injured. The so-called terrorist attacks from Ukraine as a method of provocation were reported the other day by the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. According to the Center, the enemy will carry out a series of terrorist acts at the Russian border consolidation of Russians against Ukrainians.

Disclosure Fraudsters distribute a fake chatbot of the state platform "Diia" in the network.

The fraudsters' messages say that allegedly at the link everyone officially working has the opportunity to receive monetary support from the state in the amount of 3000 hryvnias. According to the fact-checkers of "Stop Fake Dnipro" project, the link opens "Privatbank" page, where you have to indicate your card number and CCV code.From what data you enter, we can conclude that the project is fraudulent, which aims to steal money from the cards of people who will register using the link "Neither "Diia", nor Ministry of Digital Transformation send any SMS or messages in social networks. The crediting of funds is reported by the "Action" app and push notification bank, which contains only text - no links," the fact checkers said in a statement.

Disclosure Fraudsters promise Ukrainians 8,900 hryvnia "aid from the EU" for taking the survey.

Attackers have launched a fraudulent scheme in Facebook: offer Ukrainians 8,900 hryvnia "assistance from the EU" when passing the survey. As the factchecking project "Brekhunets" writes, the advertising of the fraudulent site with the "survey" is targeting, in particular, Volyn residents. According to "Rayon.in.ua", this scheme is used for the fourth time - previously recorded such cases in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Fraudsters ran ads on Facebook from the page under News of Ukraine, which was created on March 30. This ad uses stolen branding TSN, flags of Ukraine and the European Union. "The message itself is not on the page, which means that it was published through an advertising office. Under the message - only one positive comment from a user who allegedly has already received funds," - told the project "Brehunets".

Disclosure Russia plans terrorist attacks in Russian cities in order to justify the mobilization.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that the Russian special services plan a series of terrorist attacks by bombing residential buildings, hospitals and schools in Russian cities, as well as missile and bomb attacks on Bilhorod or one of the cities of occupied Crimea. Russia plans to blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces and volunteer battalions for this. "It is entirely possible that these terrorist attacks will be presented as a revenge of the Ukrainians for Bucha and Kramatorsk and as an excuse for brutality against the Ukrainian civilian population", - told the CID and specified that these attacks will also be carried out mobilization. In the Center for counteraction to disinformation added that it is confirmed by fake videos with reading out the order of Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the attacks on the territory of Russia.

Disclosure In occupied Energodar, the Russian military launched its own radio station, which broadcasts pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda.

According to the Zaporizhzhya regional military administration, in Energodar, the enemy managed to create a radio station "Radio Russia", on the waves of which they spread false and disfigured information, hostile propaganda and spinning songs that sing Putin and the greatness of Russia. "In addition, the Kafirs, with a propaganda purpose, distribute photos of themselves distributing allegedly humanitarian aid from Russia to the city's pensioners. Judging by the photo, only four people received food. At the same time, enemies seek out and kidnap men of the Vasilyevsky district, accusing them of far-fetched accusations of murder and terrorism," reads the report. We should remind you that we should not trust Russian propaganda, because from such media as the radio in Energodar, only information that benefits the enemy directly will be disseminated.

Disclosure How citizens in Poland were distracted from information about the tragedy that happened in Bucza.

According to Euvsdisinfo, Russian propaganda, with the help of trolls, once again tried to blow up Polish support for Ukraine. On April 4-5, when the world learned about the Russian military crimes in Bucza, Poland faced a large-scale troll attack that had at least three dimensions: Polish officials were sent threatening emails, the media were spammed, and social media once again stepped up discussion of the Volyn tragedy. Such a campaign of disinformation and manipulation was not only primitive and awkward, but also failed to take into account the current mood in Polish society. The current situation obviously irritates the Kremlin. 2.6 million Ukrainian refugees entered Poland after Russia attacked Ukraine, and now Ukrainians in Poland are receiving very large amounts of aid. While the Russian war machine tries to bomb more Ukrainians into leaving their homes, the Kremlin disinformation machine will probably continue to manipulate difficult topics, using tropes of racism, xenophobia and painful events from the past, as it did in the case of the Volhynia tragedy. to discredit Ukrainians," the newspaper wrote.

Disclosure Hackers attack computers with emails with the subject line "№1275 of 07.04.2022".

According to the Ukrainian government emergency response team CERT-UA, acting under the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security, hacker group Armageddon attacks state agencies of Ukraine with dangerous e-mails with the subject line "¹ 1275 of 07.04.2022". The emails contain an HTML file, which, when opened, creates an archive on the computer with a file called "On the facts of persecution and murder of Prosecutor's Office employees by the Russian military in the temporarily occupied territories.lnk". If opened, hackers can gain full control over the computer and steal confidential information or damage data and computer systems. Read more.

Disclosure Russia came up with a new mechanism to deliver distorted information about the "cruel" treatment of Russian prisoners of war by the Ukrainian army to the editors of the world's leading media.

According to the Center to Counter Disinformation, Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov urged his own audience to generate emails about alleged abuse by Ukrainian servicemen of POWs from the Russian army. The propagandist also provided detailed instructions on how and what to do. In particular, he provided a list of e-mail addresses of leading Western media outlets, to which, in his opinion, the letters should be sent; an accompanying text of the letter in case people do not speak English; links to fake materials about the brutality of the Ukrainian army towards Russian prisoners and civilians; videos, which allegedly are evidence of the brutality of the Ukrainian army. "In such a simple way the Russian Federation seeks to reverse the course of events and to bend the West to its side, but civilized society has long understood everything," the Center said in a statement.

Disclosure A fake site of the international battalion was created online.

The Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council's Center for Counteracting Misinformation warned that a fake portal, a twin site of the International Battalion, had been created online. The link to the official site is here.

Disclosure Photos of children from Mykolaiv who died as a result of enemy shelling are circulated online, passing them off as victims of the Russian military in Bucha.

A photo of the murdered children is floating around the net, with a caption claiming that they were raped and killed by the Russian military in Bucha. Although the photo is real, the caption is a fake. Texty.org.ua drew attention to it.

The photo shows Ukrainian children killed because of the actions of the Russian army. However, these are not children from Bucha, but from Mykolaiv, who died from shelling back in early March. This photo was published in an article by the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta on March 12. The photo was signed as follows: "Three-year-old Arina Butim lies on the body of her seventeen-year-old sister Veronika Biryukova. In the cold rooms of the Mykolaiv regional forensic medical examiner's office, the bodies lie in several layers. Two sheds were also vacated for the storage of bodies, some of the bodies are lying outside.

Interestingly, the telegram channel NEXTA, which has two million subscribers, accused the Ukrainian media of spreading a fake. In fact, this fake was spread in the local telegram channels of Irpen, Bucha and Gostomel. However, it was promptly removed from all of them, and one channel gave a refutation. It is likely that the fake that these children were killed in Bucha could have been created by Russian propaganda, so that when the lie with the photo is exposed, Ukrainians can claim to be lying about the crimes of the Russian military on our territory. Even though the photo is real and the children really suffered at the hands of the Russian occupiers, such fakes, like any others spread by Russia, are harmful and do not play in our favor.

Disclosure Kadyrov's men handed out Ukrainian products to Mariupol residents under the guise of humanitarian aid from the Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov Public Foundation.

The other day Ramzan Kadyrov published a video of people in Mariupol handing out humanitarian aid, with a caption stating that the aid was provided by the Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov Regional Public Foundation. - Ukrainian. In particular, the sausage given out is really Ukrainian. This is clear from the Ukrainian inscriptions "Vienna Servilat" and "Doctors' Sausage". The same applies to the flour, the packaging of which bears the inscription "Flour. It is not known where Kadyrov's men got the Ukrainian products and why they distributed them under the guise of Russian humanitarian aid, but after the information that the products were really Ukrainian was circulated, Kadyrov's message was removed.