Spilnota Detector Media

Disclosure Russian propaganda disseminates information about a break in the IT system of situational awareness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This was reported in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. A recently updated version of this system was successfully presented at the annual NATO Tide Sprint conference of experts and developers. Shortly thereafter, the enemy began to attack the system and disseminate information through a network of propaganda resources about the alleged kink and access to its data in order to discredit it. The information systems and tools used by the Ukrainian defenders are a strategic target for the enemy, as is the country's critical or energy infrastructure. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports that now the system is working stably, the data in it is securely protected, no unauthorized intrusions have been recorded. IT developers and cybersecurity specialists monitor hostile activity in real time.

Disclosure A provocative flash mob was launched on Twitter and Viber, in which Ukrainians are urged to turn on the lights en masse

According to the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, a flash mob with the hashtag #LightOnZelenskyyOff was launched on Twitter and Viber. It was called a flash mob against Zelenskyi's policy, and within it they call on November 01 to turn on the lights as much as possible. The flashmob was picked up by Russian media and in their messages they claim that Ukrainians massively disagree with the policy of the Ukrainian authorities to save electricity.

The Center reports that most of the accounts called “Ukrainians” are indeed bots, which is confirmed by the translation of the Russian-language text of messages into Ukrainian.

For example, “half of the country is already without power supply, there is already no strength to endure these hellish torments!” translated as "half of the country is already without food, there is no urine to endure this hellish flour!".

Disclosure All the photos that supposedly prove Ukraine's creation of a "dirty bomb" are not related to Ukraine

During the briefing, the head of the radiation, chemical, and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Ihor Kyrylov, showed slides of photos that were supposed to prove that Ukraine was creating a "dirty bomb." The next day, one of the photos was recognized as a photo of radioactive substances from Slovenia. It was made in 2010 and belonged to the Slovenian Radioactive Waste Agency (ARAO). The Government of Slovenia announced it on Twitter.

However, it turned out that other photos from this presentation have nothing to do with Ukraine. It was discovered by Benjamin Strick, director of investigations at the Center for Information Resilience, and Elliott Higgins, founder of Bellingcat. Moreover, the two photos show Russian research facilities, which the Russian Ministry of Defense passes off as Ukraine's "research reactors." One photo shows the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, named after Kurchatov, located in the Sverdlovsk region; the other photo shows the Novosibirsk chemical concentrate plant, which specializes in the production of nuclear fuel for power and research reactors.

The photo, signed as "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Research at the National Academy of Sciences in Kyiv - Uragan thermonuclear installations, BBP-M reactor," shows a Russian reactor located at the Boris Konstantinov Institute of Nuclear Physics in St. Petersburg. The photo captures the moment Vladimir Putin initiated the reactor's start-up via video link. Other images are no less intriguing: one of them shows an artistic Syrian state film about the "falsification of chemical attacks by the White Helmets." Russian propaganda has already used this footage specifically to prove that the White Helmets had their movie theater to shoot "fakes." Although fact-checkers quickly discovered it was footage from a pro-Assad feature film. Another footage shows the panic in New York on 9/11. Finally, the last frame shows the forced displacement of Syrians from Damascus, organized by Russian forces. The world didn't believe the fake about the "dirty bomb" which had created Russia. Read more about what a "dirty bomb" is and why Putin wants such a fake here.

Disclosure The information that the electricity, water, and Internet will be turned off massively in Ukraine is actively spread on the Internet

In social networks, messages circulate that there will be a mass disconnection of electricity and water supply in Ukraine. "Attention, we are notifying the population! Electricity and water supply will be shut off widely throughout Ukraine.

It's also possible to disconnect communications and the Internet. Be sure to check and find out about your area," the messages say. The fact-checkers of the "Brekhunets" project drew attention to such statements. According to their data, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, announced on his official Facebook page that on October 20, there would be introduced restrictions on electricity supply throughout Ukraine. However, there was no question of a "mass shutdown." The President's Office reported on the limitation of electricity supply, not a shutdown.

What's more, there was no question of cutting off the water supply and the Internet at all. As the fact-checkers write, the message that there will be massive power cuts and water shortages throughout Ukraine is a deliberate manipulation. "Telegram channels are once again filling with subscribers on a "hot" topic.

The authorities have warned about restrictions on the supply of electricity. Household consumers are asked to minimize the use of electronic devices. That is, the electricity supply will be limited, but schedules of these restrictions will be developed for industrial consumers. The situation is difficult, but the authorities are working on its solution," writes Brekhunets.

Disclosure Russia spreads messages about air alerts in Ukraine in Telegram channels to emphasize its own "power"

The publication Texty.org.ua drew attention to the change in the behavior of the Telegram channels of the leading Russian media. As the author of the study notes, until October 10, the largest number of reports about an air strike in Ukraine in Russian news was on February 24, the day of the start of a full-scale invasion. At that time, the most extensive media wrote that an air alert was announced in Kyiv, and Ukrainians were asked to take shelter. An airstrike in Israel at the end of July attracted more attention from Russian media than the daily sounds of sirens in Ukrainian cities caused by Russia. Until October 10, the Russian media didn't consider it an informational excuse. Since October 10, the Telegram channels of the five largest Russian media have been writing about almost all air alarms to enhance the effect, especially writing about each area in a separate message. In this way, the Russians are probably trying to emphasize their "greatness and power." Otherwise, in this way, they try to support the emotional mood of the Russians, who were greatly comforted by the missile attack. Reports of air strikes are also mixed with reports of power outages resulting from Russia's damage to 30% of Ukraine's power plants. A separate post is dedicated to each region, sometimes without specifying that it's about Ukraine. In this way, Russia uses an old tactic of creating the illusion that Ukraine is still, to some extent, "part of Russia."

Disclosure Criminals are distributing e-mails allegedly from the Press Service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

It was reported on the page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Facebook social network.

Letters from the Press Service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to get in the e-mail boxes and messengers of the addressees. However, this spam mailing comes from addresses that have nothing to do with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and contain malicious files (viruses, trojans, etc.).

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine calls for caution. It is recommended to carefully read the e-mail address of the letter's sender and check its authenticity to prevent the infection of personal gadgets with malicious software. Previously, the Russians allegedly sent computer viruses on behalf of the SSU under the guise of instructions on acting in the conditions of an active phase of hostilities.

Disclosure A Russian woman creates anti-Ukrainian cartoons from Sochi, not from Israel

At the beginning of October, an anti-Ukrainian cartoon, allegedly filmed by an Israeli TV channel, began to be distributed on the network of Russian Telegram channels. The captions for the video were typical - "not all Israelis support the Nazi regime" in the east. The cartoon depicts Ukraine as a pig with swastika tattoos and a yellow-blue flag, while Russia is represented as a bear that throws out a pig in Europe. There the pig arranges pogroms and other crimes that Russian propaganda attributes to Ukrainian refugees.

At the end of the cartoon, the logo of what appeared to be the Israeli TV channel INN appeared. There are two channels in Israel. The abbreviation INN stands for both Arutz Sheva (Channel 7), which is officially called Israel International News, and Israel Now News. At the same time, the logo at the end of the cartoon is not the logo of any of these channels. Of course, there is no cartoon or any mention of it on these channels. The Israeli publication "Details" checked how this cartoon appeared in the Israeli media space and found a Telegram channel with the name INN and a logo identical to the one shown in the cartoon. This Telegram channel is conducted in two languages, Russian and Hebrew, and it contains only anti-Ukrainian fakes. The last of such fakes was information about Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who allegedly wrote the book "My Struggle." This fake has already been disproved.

After the distribution of this cartoon, it was blocked on Youtube. At the same time, a resident of Sochi named Yevgeniya gave an interview to the propaganda Telegram channel Shot. She said that she creates this anti-Ukrainian propaganda by herself. She also added that she has been "working on the information front since 2014." She has been posting these anti-Ukrainian videos since September 1 on her telegram channel "Svynka v ommoroke SVO." On October 20, she also published correspondence with the "Israeli TV channel INN," which apologized for using her cartoon and supported her fight against the "Ukrainian Nazis." The correspondence shows that the author of the cartoons wrote specifically to the address of the INN @uktoterror2 telegram channel. The channel has 1,339 subscribers and is run by a Russian-speaking Israeli woman who, for example, creates a poll about who to vote for in the upcoming Israel elections - among other politicians she suggests, Putin and Kadyrov.

Disclosure Residents of Kherson receive SMS messages that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing massive strikes on the city

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, residents of Kherson received information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning missile strikes on the city and, accordingly, civilians should take care of their safety. "Dear residents! Evacuate immediately. There will be shelling of the residential quarters by the Armed Forces of Ukraine..." such SMS reads.

The Center informs that this information isn't true. "Recently, the commander of the Russian army, Surovikin, announced the alleged preparation of a missile strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Kherson and the Kakhovska HPP dam, as a result of which the population will be "evacuated" from the city. At the same time, Vitaliy Kim reported that "the Russians are probably preparing to attack Kherson... We will not be surprised if they fire on crowds of people and residential areas to blame this on the Armed Forces. We warn.

This disinformation is aimed at sowing panic and deporting as many more Ukrainians as possible under the guise of "evacuation." The Armed Forces of the Ukrainian SSR has never conducted targeted attacks on the civilian population, and even more, haven't warned the occupiers about their plans," the Center said.

Disclosure Fake schedules of power outages and messages about "energy alarms" spread on the network

The fact-checkers of the NotaYenota project drew attention to the spread of messages. Reports of attacks on energy facilities and government officials' statements about problems with the power system after the attacks are used for advertising other Telegram channels from this network. The posts use the manipulative term "energy alarm" and write that you can follow this "alarm" by choosing the appropriate area. However, the link contains another Telegram channel from the same network, to view which you need to subscribe. There is no expected information about outages on the canals. "Detector Media" wrote about similar manipulative advertising to expand the audience of Telegram channels. In a week, the Russians destroyed 30% of Ukrainian power plants, so the load on the power grid increased significantly. Despite the restoration work, the authorities ask to be responsible for electricity consumption and, if possible, not to turn on energy-consuming appliances during "peak" hours.

We remind you that information about mass power outages or schedules should be sought on official resources, particularly on the website of Ukrenergo and notifications of local authorities. By spreading such messages, propagandists try to increase panic among Ukrainians and influence the work of the Ukrainian energy system from the inside. That is why the old fake about the need to turn off all electrical appliances at night and fake messages about emergency shutdowns began to spread again.

Disclosure On the Telegram began a phishing attack: "There is information about you too"

Ukrainians started receiving pirated messages in Telegram, which users shouldn't open in any way.

The messages refer to a bot that allegedly finds hidden data and photos of people: "There is information about you too. See by yourself." If you follow the link, there will be another link, and the account will be hacked, after which a message about the bot will be sent on behalf of the user to five of his friends.

As fact-checkers from "NotaYenota" noted, phishing attacks were widespread on Facebook during the New Year holidays, when users receiving messages from friends "Tse ty na video" massively followed the specified link and became victims.

Phishing is a type of cyber fraud. The purpose of phishing is to gain access to your logins, passwords, bank cards, and other confidential information by deception. If such actions are aimed at many users (of a specific institution, for example, a bank or country), then such actions are called phishing attacks. Phishing messages are aimed at emotions because the weakest link in the system is a person.

Disclosure Fraudsters send messages in messengers with job offers at Amazon and AliExpress

Scammers pose as hiring managers at one of the companies, Amazon or AliExpress. They look for new online part-time workers, offering work-from-home jobs, simple tasks that can be done anytime, anywhere, and high wages, a fee that seems to be paid on the same day. In the case of Amazon, they promise from 5 to 30 thousand hryvnias per day. "Salary" in AliExpress is slightly lower - from one to eight thousand hryvnias per day. Then the contacts for communication through the messenger are specified, and the link opens a chat allegedly with the manager. Ukrainian and foreign numbers, particularly Angola and the USA, are used for mailing.

We remind you that large international companies don't send job offers in personal messages en masse and don't offer to contact a recruiter through a third-party link.

Previously, fraudsters used the state program "eDopomoga" as a cover and offered to receive seven thousand hryvnias in compensation. Fraudsters also offered Ukrainians to receive seven thousand hryvnias from confiscated assets of Russia and promised payments of 3,500 hryvnias due to Russian aggression.

Disclosure The photo of the "bayraktar" shot down near Kaluga was taken in 2020 in Nagorno-Karabakh

In social networks and Russian mass media, information that a Ukrainian drone attacked the supposedly military air base "Shaykovka," located 225 km from the border with Ukraine, is spread. These messages illustrate a photo of a broken "bayraktar," which was allegedly shot down at an air base. StopFake found out that the photo has nothing to do with the Ukrainian-Russian war. It was made and distributed in 2020 during the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. This photo was first published on Facebook by the press secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, Shushan Stepanyan.

Previously, Russian propagandists repeatedly wrote about the huge number of destroyed "bayraktars." Still, at the same time, they significantly exceeded their number in the Ukrainian army and the total number of drones released by Turkish UAVs.

Disclosure In Russian telegram channels, stories allegedly from Ukrainians about how they "wait and support" the Russians are spreading

Some of these stories are published under the hashtag "Russian Whisper," which is used for the stories of the residents of Kyiv, which they allegedly tell propagandists. Propagandists published the story of Olya, who allegedly lives in Kyiv without electricity and writes to Russian propagandists that "not everyone here is abnormal," that she is "very much waiting for the Russians" and cannot talk about it because otherwise, she will not live to " of your victory." The fake checkers of the NotaYenota project drew attention to how the Russian letter "ы" is written in the message - the Ukrainian soft sign and the letter "I"- this writing indicates the fakeness of the message. The Russian letter "Э" was also used in the text. Another of the posts under such a hashtag promotes "historical scraps" about a girl whose passport was written that she is Ukrainian, although she has a Russian surname. The post also talks about "Ukrainization in the 20s and 30s", which was allegedly carried out by force, and it was in the USSR that Ukrainians were created. This message is related to the thesis from the article and the speeches of the Russian president. This girl's friend wrote in her passport that she is "Russian," and now she allegedly fasts with Ukrainian symbols. It is how Ukrainian propaganda supposedly "washes the brain."

With the help of so-called "eyewitness accounts," propagandists promote messages about "Ukrainian Nazism" and "discrimination against Russian speakers" and create the illusion that the Russian army is expected in Ukraine "as liberating heroes."

Disclosure The Russians shot a staged video about the detention of "Ukrainian saboteurs" on the territory of Russia

The Center reported it for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the NSDC. On October 12, the Russian FSB said the "prevention of two acts of sabotage" allegedly committed by "Ukrainian agents" who entered Russia through Estonia. One was "detained" in the Bryansk region after seizing an improvised explosive device, the other in the Moscow region with two "Igla" MANPADS.

The video about the detention of "Ukrainian saboteurs" is a production. The Center drew attention to the fact that the "Ukrainian saboteur" allegedly drove around the Moscow region in a car loaded with weapons and Ukrainian license plates. This video was shot simultaneously from several angles to make it look more dynamic; they probably had to do several takes. It is indicated by the difference in the distance between the cars in different frames.

The FSB also announced the "opening" of the case of sabotage on the Crimean Bridge. As evidence, the Russians showed an X-ray of a truck that was allegedly mined, but the truck was missing one of its rear axles.

Unlike the rest of the wheels, the spare wheel shines through as if an empty tire had been glued to the bottom.

Russian propaganda systematically uses staged videos about the involvement of "Ukrainians" in crimes already committed on the territory of Russia or about preemptive arrests. Earlier, propagandists filmed a film about the "exposure of SBU agents" in the temporarily occupied Kherson region.

Disclosure In Volyn, there is spread information about a fake raffle from "Oschadbank."

On Facebook, fraudsters spread the message that Oschadbank has decided to give away cash to anyone who wants it. To do this, you allegedly need to share the post and choose the "lucky number" of one of the 12 envelopes in the image.

The fact-checkers of the "Brekhunets" project found out that this message is fake. There is no information about the raffle either on the official website of "Oschadbank" or its official Facebook page.

In addition, there are several other signs of fraud. The Facebook page that offers the raffle is significantly different from the official page. Oschadbank's page has 267,000 subscribers, a contact phone number, an email address, and a link to the network's website. The fraudulent page has 21 readers and no information. In Volyn groups, a post about a fraudulent raffle allegedly from a Ukrainian bank is being spread from a foreigner's page, which has only one post.

Disclosure Russian propaganda turns anonymous channels into sources of "insiders" who allegedly warn of threats

The founder of the information hygiene initiative "How not to become a vegetable" Oksana Moroz drew attention to this technology.

According to her words, the enemy is constantly sending out warning messages that somehow seem to coincide with reality. Then many people may think: "These sources knew something", a person connects "warnings" and arrivals and trusts such a source.

Now this source will regularly publish "insides" in the style of "there are rumors," "said a verified person from the SSU," "our sources from the President's Office," and "an uncle from the police reported." People believe and will spread this information to warn their loved ones: "Because then the source warned, so he will not lie now."

As a result, these sources will start to disperse panic, which works no worse than rockets and is an information terror. "Detector Media" has already explained how not to waste time on fabrications that someone tries to pass off as news and to select sources of information during wartime.

Disclosure Propagandists are spreading a fabricated draft state budget, in which the temporarily occupied territories are deprived of additional funding for 2023

Such messages are spread by propaganda telegram channels, backing up their words with a fake document. It says that the regional administrations allegedly receive draft budgets for 2023 that do not include Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson regions.

A photo of the alleged Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1051 of September 25, 2022 “On some issues of financing the purchase of durable goods under martial law” is added to the messages. However, this document is fabricated.

The Center for Countering Disinformation reports that this document is fake for a number of reasons:

Resolution No. 1051 was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 27, 2022 under the title “On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 19, 2022 No. 812”, and not dated September 25, 2022, as indicated in the “document”;

The resolution entitled “On some issues of financing the purchase of durable goods under martial law” has No. 528 and was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 03, 2022.

And in accordance with this resolution, subventions (monetary assistance from the state budget to local budgets) are also provided for the temporarily occupied territories.

The Center for Countering Disinformation urges to check suspicious documents and remember that the reckless expansion of such fabricated documents plays into the hands of infidels.

Disclosure The largest "supplier" of heavy weapons to Ukraine is not the West, but Russia

Almost every day since the beginning of the war, Russian officials shout from the stands that the West is "pumping" Ukraine with heavy weapons.

The last such statement was made on October 5 - the Russian ambassador to the USA said that the "decision to prolong the pumping of Kyiv" with heavy weapons makes the USA a party to the conflict. Interestingly, at the same time as this statement, a study by The Wall Street Journal was published, which indicated that the number of weapons left by the Russians during the last "regroupings" now makes Moscow the largest supplier of heavy weapons to Ukraine.

For example, the West supplied Ukraine with 320 tanks - and Russia kept 460; The West provided 210 BMPs, and Russia - 448. Moreover, there are even 40 units of missile systems, while Western supplies provide 70 units.

However, the researchers write, not all equipment is caught on video, so the real number of Russian (working) weapons may be more.

Disclosure Fraudsters are distributing a fake letter on behalf of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council regarding financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

It was reported by the Head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council, Violeta Labaziuk. Such messages come to business representatives, organizations, enterprises, and individuals.

Fraudsters promise tax benefits with the help of the Armed Forces. The actions were allegedly coordinated with the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada.

The Khmelnytskyi Regional Council doesn`t send such letters and doesn`t collect funds. The fraud was reported to law enforcement agencies. Violeta Labaziuk also asks to contact the law enforcement officers in case of receiving the letter. Previously, similar letters were sent to entrepreneurs in Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Disclosure The Russian mass media received a manual on how to cover "partial" mobilization

It was prepared in the administration of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, reports the publication "Meduza", which received such a method from its sources.

According to "Meduza", the document states that Russia won wars "only in the whole world" and only when Russians believed in "people's war".

The mass media should convey the main thesis that "the people of Russia should unite before the threat of NATO." The Kremlin claims that the alliance intends to "dismember and rob" Russia. Therefore, it is forbidden to "put the entire burden of responsibility on the contractors and the people's militia of Donbas."

The manuals contain information that Russia is supposedly at war not with Ukraine, but with NATO. Therefore, by conveying such theses to ordinary Russians, it is planned to reduce the level of dissatisfaction with mobilization.

Obviously, the methods didn`t work. According to British intelligence, Putin's quick recognition of mobilization problems in Russia shows its ineffectiveness.

Disclosure The Russians buried 24 tons of ammunition in the Kherson region in order to film a video report on the "victory"

Military correspondent Andriy Tsaplienko discovered a staged video, which the Russians filmed as a video report on the pretended "victory".

He shared footage from a reconnaissance drone that showed strange containers in the trench.

Later, it turned out that the Russians had placed containers in the trench in the Kherson region, which turned out to be warheads of marine anti-landing anchor mines.

After that, a Russian tank allegedly destroys a warehouse of Ukrainian ammunition with one shot. The Russian occupiers don`t know how else to raise their fighting spirit, except for staged videos about their successes.

Disclosure The occupiers are trying to create a media "picture" of the commitment of the Russians regarding the "accession" of the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, pro-Russian telegram channels spread information about holding a large-scale "holiday concert" on the occasion of the completion of the "people's will" in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions and their reunification with Russia. The concert is scheduled for September 30th.

However, in order to create a picture of “enthusiastic” spectators who will publicly “rejoice” at the occupation, the Russians will use the “administrative resource” - the lists of spectators are pre-approved, and attendance at the “celebration” is mandatory. Also, according to the results of the "celebration", men will be granted a respite from mobilization.

Thus, the Kremlin propaganda is trying to impose on the world community the illusion of popular approval of the occupation of the sovereign territories of Ukraine and to legitimize it. In a similar way, Russian propaganda tried to convince that in Kupiansk they rejoiced at the occupation and celebrated the Day of the Russian flag, while temporarily occupied Mariupol allegedly celebrated the Day of the Metallurgist.

Disclosure Fraudsters spread fake messages that Ukrainians can receive seven thousand hryvnias in compensation under the "YeHelp" program

Allegedly, payments will be made through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds and the “YeHelp” platform in partnership with the Ministry of Social Policy. There is no such assistance program. On the website of the "YeHelp" platform, there is no information about payments through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds. Moreover, in Ukraine there is no Unified compensation center for the return of unpaid funds. The Facebook page from which fake mail is being spread belongs to scammers. It has few readers, no publications. There are more than 12,000 readers on the official YeHelp page on Facebook. The Center's website asks for an email address, phone number, and contact details. Later, they name the amount of possible compensation and offer to pay a small amount for legal services to register the questionnaire. Fraudsters send a link where you need to enter all your card details: number, expiration date and CVV2 code. This way they get access to all the funds on the card. Previously, the scammers offered Ukrainians to receive seven thousand hryvnias from the confiscated assets of Russia, they also promised payments in the amount of 3,500 hryvnias due to Russian aggression. More details. 

Disclosure Fraudsters promise all Ukrainians social assistance from the National Bank of Ukraine

The fraudulent scheme was reported in the official telegram channel of the National Bank.

Messages appear on social networks in which scammers claim that the National Bank of Ukraine is allegedly holding a charity event together with the Your Support Foundation so that all Ukrainians are paid a "social-individual payment".

To fill out an application for the payment of such assistance, the attackers offer to switch to a fraudulent chatbot.

The NBU warns that attackers may offer to provide personal information and make an additional payment for assistance, as a result, payment card data may be compromised.

Under the pretext of making a payment, scammers may ask you to report:

• pin code to the card

• three-digit number on the back of the card

• card validity period, etc.

The National Bank notes that it does not make any social payments.

Currently, the NBU is holding a charity event to raise funds to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But it does not involve payments.

The scammers are ruthlessly taking advantage of Ukrainians' predicament during the war and continue to offer fake payouts. Ukrainian banks publish all official information on their websites or in their own social networks.

Disclosure Russia convinces young people through TikTok that it is the only energy independent country

Russian propaganda has begun circulating TikTok videos in various languages that make fun of the energy crisis. This was reported by the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council in Telegram.

A video appeared on social networks about a frozen hero who decided to add heat to his home, but the police rushed to him. At the same time, videos of the opposite content with the gas or hot water turned on are being distributed in Russian on TikTok.

“Thus, Rospropaganda is trying to influence the audience over the age of 18. Instead of the traditional intimidation, Russian propaganda is trying to create the impression that supposedly Russia is the only energy independent and rich country”, the message adds.

In fact, the share of Russian energy carriers in the world market is less than 10%.

Analysts emphasize that with the onset of the heating season, Russia will only increase the energy blackmail of the population. Note that earlier Russian propaganda in the context of messages about the gas crisis in Europe always mentioned sanctions against Russia. Now the Russians are spreading the thesis that Russia is the only country where you can keep warm in winter and not save on electricity and hot water.