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Disclosure Fraudsters offer five thousand hryvnias of assistance from PrivatBank

In social networks, in particular, in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, they spread messages about the opportunity to receive five thousand hryvnias of assistance from PrivatBank. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and take a short survey. However, this is a scam.

According to the fact-checker of the “Brekhunets” (Lier) project, such a financial assistance program does not exist. Experts found that when you go to a site with a survey, an antivirus program immediately works and warns that the resource can be harmful. Fact-checkers are convinced that the site has nothing to do with an official bank. There is not a word on the official website of PrivatBank that the organization makes payments of certain financial assistance from the state. Moreover, people who allegedly received the winnings write with errors in the comments.

After completing the survey, you are invited to send a link to your friends.

By spreading such messages, scammers are trying to mislead Ukrainians, because the method of such mailings is beneficial in social networks in order to increase activity and sharings.

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