Spilnota Detector Media

Disclosure On behalf of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security a fake “memo” is being distributed on the web

This was reported in the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. It recommends using Ukrainian swearing instead of Russian obscenities on TV channels.

To create a fake, they used the old emblem of the Ministry of Culture, which has not been in Ukraine since 2019 (the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy was created in 2021). The authors of the “memo” used the Russian word “mat” (swear word), which is not in the Ukrainian language (there is “cuss words”, “curse words” or “dirty words”).

The list of “recommended terms” includes both samples of Ukrainian swearing and literally translated Russian swear words. Such a selection appeared in Runet in the early 2010s, it can be found in the archives of Pikabu and other entertainment sites.

Russian propaganda systematically distributes fake documents on social networks and instant messengers on behalf of various authorities: the Cabinet of Ministers, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, and regional administrations. Thus, they are trying to undermine the credibility of the authorities.

Disclosure Fraudsters promise Ukrainians six thousand hryvnias of “New Year's” assistance

Messages are distributed through social networks and instant messengers. Like, every Ukrainian can receive a one-time cash payment as a New Year's aid. The messages have got a link where you need to register ostensibly to receive money. They note that this is assistance from the state, which “by order was appointed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi”.

Fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Liar) project checked these reports. The link hides an anonymous telegram channel with the name “Payments from the state to every citizen of Ukraine”. The channel avatar has the logo of the Privat24 application. However, on the channel, the authors say that financial assistance can be obtained from three banks, the names of which are written with errors.

Under the name of each of the banks, there is a published link, allegedly to a “personal account”, in which you can apply for New Year's “help”. However, instead of a “personal account” there is a form in which they offer to enter a bank card number, password and pin code. That is, instead of “help”, scammers get access to bank accounts.

On the website of the President of Ukraine there is no information about financial assistance on the occasion of the New Year holidays. The press service of Privatbank confirmed to the fact-checkers that they do not pay any New Year's aid from the state. There is no information about these “New Year's payments from the state” on the websites of other banks as well.

Disclosure A photo-fake of Zelenskyi's meeting with Biden is spreading across the web

Photos from the visit of Volodymyr Zelenskyi to the United States are massively distributed on social networks and telegrams. In the photo, the President of Ukraine is shot with the US presidential couple from the back. Each spouse hugs Zelenskyi, and Joe Biden's hand is allegedly placed indecently at the same time. This photo is fake.

MythDetector and Reuters fact-checkers checked the photo and found that it was altered using photo editors. In the authentic version of the photo, Biden's hand is placed on Zelenskyi's back, next to his wife's hand. The photo was published by the first lady of the United States on her official Twitter page.

Disclosure Scammers promise to provide stable mobile communications for money

Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that as a result of a power outage, the mobile signal is weakened or disappears altogether. This was reported in the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security.

They pretend to be representatives of mobile operators and promise to “switch” a person to another “tower”. Like, so the connection will remain stable even when the electricity disappears.

After that, a person receives a code - if you say it to a criminal, they will get access to mobile applications of banks, social networks, etc.

Disclosure Fraudsters lure Ukrainians under the pretext of payments from the EU

In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, reports are circulating that the European Union has allegedly allocated $600 million to help Ukrainians during the winter. Like, every Ukrainian and every Ukrainian woman will receive a payment, which is 13,280 hryvnia. As proof, netizens are attaching a likely screenshot from the “Diia” (Action) app showing the cash aid application process. However, in reality, there are no such payments for Ukrainians.

According to Voxcheck specialists, there is no mention of individual payments to people from the EU in official sources. In addition, applications for assistance from international organizations are accepted through the “YePidtrymka” (“Support”) program or in certain banks.

By spreading such messages, scammers are trying to gain an audience on their channels, because the mailing method is beneficial for community administrators in social networks in order to increase activity and the number of comments in their chats and under messages.

Disclosure What wrote anonymous telegram channels about Zelenskyi's visit to the USA

Against the backdrop of news about the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi to the United States, a lot of disinformation messages have appeared in the information field, in particular, in anonymous telegram channels broadcasting a pro-Russian position, with the help of which Russia promotes its agenda to the audience. Analysts of Detector Media have identified the most common of them.

1. Zelenskyi did not reach the goal of his visit to the USA The authors of the messages argued that Zelenskyi did not achieve the purpose of the visit to Washington. Like, he went to the United States to get more powerful weapons and intensify offensive operations at the front. However, according to anonymous telegrams, there is no sign that Zelenskyi managed to convince Biden to provide Ukraine with such weapons. The authors of the telegram channels do not provide evidence for their assertion, nor do they explain on what grounds they draw such conclusions.

2. Zelenskyi thinks about diplomacy and prepares for negotiations with Putin The authors of such messages argue that since "there were no signs" that he managed to "beg" from the United States for precision weapons that would help prolong the counteroffensive, the Ukrainian president is ready for diplomatic steps. In particular, for negotiations with Russia. The anonymous authors add that the US authorities seemed to be waiting for Zelenskyi to answer the question of what position Ukraine is in now in order to speed up the process of peace negotiations. Some reports claimed that US President Joe Biden allegedly persuaded Zelenskyi to negotiate with the help of his speech. However, in fact, Biden did not publicly voice the thesis that Ukraine should sit down at the negotiating table and agree to the conditions of the Kremlin. On the contrary, he once again expressed support for Ukraine in its struggle and said that he was convinced that Putin was losing the war.

3. Zelenskyi's goal in the US is to get more money Also, in anonymous telegram channels, the thesis was expanded that Zelenskyi was going to the United States solely to “beat out” even more money, but this, according to anonymous authors, would not be so easy, because American congressmen are hostile to Zelenskyi. They say that congressmen will force Zelenskyi to answer uncomfortable questions about the assistance that Ukraine has already received and there will be no “sweet welcoming” for the Ukrainian president. By spreading such theses, propagandists want to create the appearance that Ukraine will be left without support in the near future. Like, in the United States, Zelenskyi is already not willingly accepted and uncomfortable questions are asked. To further undermine the situation and sow a sense of despondency in society, such reports add that without Washington's money, Ukraine will face complete chaos.

4. Zelenskyi’s trip to the US was lobbied by the “armed lobby” This thesis also appeared in anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. They say that the so-called armed lobby became the initiator and sponsor of Zelenskyi's trip to the United States. This is how pro-Russian telegram channels call people who allegedly earn billions on the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine. In such messages, Ukraine is called only a tool for the “armed lobby”, the purpose of which, according to the authors of the messages, is to promote their weapons in order to advance to the world market. By spreading such messages, Russian propaganda levels out the support, both armed and financial, that Ukraine receives from Western partners. Like, indeed, by the fact that the United States provides weapons to Ukraine, it does not support the Ukrainians, but only continues the war and promotes its weapons to the market, trying to force China out of it.

5. Zelenskyi flew out of the country in order to “hang” the surrender of Bakhmut on Zaluzhnyi Anonymous telegram channels also spread the thesis that during the visit of President Zelenskyi to the United States, Bakhmut will be “surrendered”. They say that everything was specially arranged in the President's Office so that upon his return Zelenskyi could accuse General Zaluzhnyi of negligence and the surrender of an important city. The reports also add that due to the fact that the president left the country, even more hell will begin in Bakhmut. In fact, this is not the first time propagandists have been stirring up the conflict between Zelenskyi and Zaluzhnyi and claiming that the Ukrainian president is not satisfied with the work of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and therefore makes various provocations in order to “have something to cling to” and remove him from office. However, no facts confirming this thesis are provided in messages in telegram channels. Also arguing that hell in Bakhmut will begin due to Zelenskyi's departure from the country, the authors of the messages shift the responsibility for what is happening in the city from the Russian army to the Ukrainian president. After all, it was Russia that attacked Ukraine, and it is precisely because of the actions of the enemy army that the situation in individual Ukrainian cities and villages is becoming hellish.

6. Zelenskyi was specifically invited to the White House to “test” the ground and understand how it can be deceived Another thesis of pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels. Like, the White House decided to call Zelenskyi in order to clarify the drafts and understand where they can “bend” Ukraine. The reports add that Biden and Zelenskyi allegedly have differences in the vision of how the war in Ukraine should unleash. It's as if Biden is worried that things won't go "too far". And, they say, Biden constantly hints at a peaceful settlement to Zelensky and asks him how it should look like. Spreading such messages, propagandists seek to stake out the opinion that the leaders of Western countries no longer want to support Ukraine in its struggle, but see the only way to end the war - with peace negotiations, because they are afraid of escalating problems with Russia. However, there is no reason to believe that the United States or any other country will soon stop supporting Ukraine if Zelenskyi does not sit down at the negotiating table. The heads of states did not make public statements of this kind.

7. Zelenskyi's visit to the US is a distraction Telegram channels broadcasting Russian rhetoric also reported that Zelenskyi's visit was beneficial to American Democrats. And besides the fact that the visit, according to anonymous authors, was organized by an "armed lobby", the Biden administration allegedly tried to shift some internal accents from problems within the country to global problems. That is, in such messages, Ukraine is once again presented only as a tool for the United States to achieve its goals. Also, such reports do not mention that Zelenskyi’s visit to the United States is, first of all, beneficial to Ukraine in order to make agreements according to which Ukraine will continue to receive assistance from the United States to fight the aggressor. Such reports are beneficial to Russia and its supporters, because they form the opinion that the United States is playing its game, only pretending to help Ukraine. We recall that earlier in the telegram channels they spread the message that Zelenskyi's trip to Bakhmut was a staging before his business trip to the United States. Like, he specifically wanted to demonstrate that he was allegedly going to a constantly shelled city, so that he would look like a hero in Congress the next day. 

Disclosure State Russian media disseminated content provided by the FSB

Journalists from The New York Times analyzed the email archive of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VDTRK), broken by hackers, and found that Russian TV channels, in particular Russia 1 and Russia 24, used materials sent to them by the FSB. The entire dump has a volume of 750 gigabytes, the vast majority of which is related to preparations for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the start of the war - the correspondence took place from January to March 2022. The researchers were able to confirm the addresses of the mailboxes, as well as the faces of the people who received the letters.

As the journalists found out, Russian propagandists created content on topics that were discussed in letters from the FSB and the Russian Ministry of Defense. In the letters, the FSB representatives called the employees of the Russian channels “colleagues”. One of the materials sent by the FSB officers through Russian channels is the story of a woman who claimed that the Mariupol Drama Theater was allegedly blown up by the Ukrainian military.

In addition, in order to give viewers the impression of numerous “victories” of the Russian army and politics in general, they used materials from conservative Western media, in particular Fox News, Chinese media publications with beneficial narratives, and also used little-known accounts on Telegram and YouTube, which also made it possible to create a distorted picture of Russian “greatness”.

Disclosure Fake videos urging Ukrainians to return home are spreading online

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation reports that three propaganda videos have already appeared in the media space of Europe in two weeks. They urge Ukrainians to return home in different languages. Allegedly, the authors of this video are citizens of European countries. Numerous errors indicate that the video is fake, including messed up languages, countries, flags, etc.

As the Center notes, the purpose of the video is to create a false image of Ukraine and its citizens in the European information space to discredit Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO.

Disclosure On Facebook, scammers urge Ukrainians to apply for financial assistance

Several pages of alleged Facebook users leave comments under posts on the pages of Ukrainian authorities and other organizations. The comments call on Ukrainians to apply for “financial assistance along with the Uappl project”.

There is no information about the organization providing assistance on the site posted on the link. It is designed solely to collect data from people who need help and those who want to become a volunteer. After registration, you need to record a video message for help, which is redirected to the TikTok page of this volunteer organization. All video messages end with a fake QR code supposedly to help with this message. However, this code does not recognize either a smartphone or online verification sites. Also, according to their requirements, it is necessary to create an account on Binance, to which allegedly funds will be received. No information about those who received assistance could be found.

The site is located on the same server with a resource related to cryptocurrencies. There is also a similar site focused on Poland.

This help is advertised on pages that attract attention because they are registered in foreign names, but most of the messages on them are in Ukrainian. In addition to the main photo, place of residence and educational institution, there is no other personal information. Most allegedly live in London and graduated from various British educational institutions. The pages are generally active. Moreover, one of the bots left a comment with the “help” advertising on another fake page. Of the four verified accounts, two downloaded avatars on June 10, and the next two - on June 12.

Disclosure Ukrainians receive letters with harmful links on behalf of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The cyberattack with dangerous emails was detected by specialists from the cybersecurity unit of “Ukrzaliznytsia” (Ukrainian railway). The subject of the letters is “How to recognize a kamikaze drone”, and they allegedly arrive on behalf of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (DSNS) from morgunov.a@dsns.com[.]ua.

The attachment to the letter contains the RAR archive "shahed-136.rar" with the PPSX document "shahed.ppsx". If you open it, the file "WibuCm32.dll" will be downloaded to the device. It is classified as DolphinCape malware. The main functionality of the program is to collect information about the computer, run EXE/DLL files, as well as create and exfiltrate screenshots.

Disclosure Awarding Zelenskyi the title of "Person of the Year": reaction of propagandists

TIME magazine recently announced its “Person of the Year” nomination. This year, the title was given to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the spirit of Ukrainians.

At the same time, propagandists traditionally reacted with disparaging messages:

“Zelenskyi is a traitor to the Ukrainian people”;

“Genocide of the Ukrainian people is carried out by Zelenskyi”;

“Zelensky spent almost all his entire life under the protection of Russia, which fed him and protected him”;

“Ukraine will get rid of Zelenskyi on its own, because Ukrainians hate him”.

All these messages are aimed at discrediting the head of state and reducing his authority among the Ukrainian population. Allegedly, Zelenskyi is a traitor to the Ukrainian people and wanted to get this title.

Disclosure Germans receive fake letters with an offer to join the foreign legion in Ukraine for a monetary reward

It seems that such letters to German citizens are sent to the post office by the Consulate General of Ukraine in Dusseldorf. The speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleh Nikolenko said that such letters are a forgery. “The Ukrainian consular office did not send any such messages”, he said.

The Foreign Ministry said the consuls had already contacted the German police for an investigation.

“We consider the distribution of fake letters as part of the enemy’s disinformation campaign, which aims to discredit Ukrainian diplomacy, undermine support for Ukraine from Germany and its citizens,” Nikolenko said.

Disclosure A fake chatbot of the head of the Poltava regional military administration was created on the network

This was announced by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security with reference to the head of the Poltava police department Dmytro Lunin.

The official Telegram chatbot @lunin_in_bot is called "Text Dmytro Lunin". Lunin draws attention to the fact that the official chatbot does not request user account data and does not send messages to personal phone numbers.

Now cases of creating fake accounts and chat bots that mimic official sources of information have become more frequent. Earlier it was reported about the fake chat-bot of DTEK and the fake website of the Come Back Alive Foundation

Disclosure Fraudsters offer 5,000 hryvnias of Ukrposhta and Nova Poshta assistance

Social networks are circulating messages about the opportunity to receive five thousand hryvnias of assistance from Ukrposhta or the Nova Poshta State Assistance Fund. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and take a short survey. This is a fraud. There are no such assistance programs.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project checked the messages and found out that there are no reports of financial assistance for the survey on the official pages of Ukrposhta and Nova Poshta. The sites linked in the messages are fake. The real sites of Ukrposhta (ukrposhta.ua) and Nova Poshta (novaposhta.ua) do not contain extra letters in the title. The appearance of original and fake sites also differs.

On the sites of scammers, any buttons do not work, except for those that are needed to participate in the draw. To do this, you need to take a survey on four simple questions, the same for both sites. Only the company name and color have been changed. After answering all the questions, it becomes possible to win gifts in three attempts. To receive a gift, you must share information in 5 groups or with 20 friends and complete registration. Both sites have reviews of those who allegedly received the winnings. However, these users are fake, mostly having names and surnames atypical for Ukrainians.

Disclosure A fake letter about preparations for a referendum on the accession of the Ukrainian western regions to Poland is being distributed on the network

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation reports that another fake letter is being distributed on Twitter, allegedly on behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine. The letter refers to the holding of events "aimed at studying the public opinion of the residents of the Lviv and Volyn regions of Ukraine", which "they propose to implement according to the previously established plan".

A photo of the fake letter is being circulated with comments that allegedly Polish diplomats are trying to seize the Western regions and are preparing to hold a referendum.

The representative of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Lukasz Jasina, denied the existence of such a letter and noted that the message about preparations for a referendum on the accession of the western regions of Ukraine to Poland is disinformation and another attempt to foment disunity between Poland and Ukraine.

Disclosure Residents and enterprises of the Zhytomyr region are sent fake letters about fundraising

According to the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security, companies and individuals receive fake letters allegedly from the Zhytomyr regional military administration with a request to send money for the humanitarian aid program of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The head of the Zhytomyr regional military administration, Vitalii Bunechko, also denied sending the letter. He said that the Zhytomyr regional military administration does not raise funds for charity and urged to contact law enforcement agencies in case of receiving such letters or calls.

Earlier, entrepreneurs from Khmelnytskyi, Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk received the same letters. Thus, the scammers are trying to use the desire to help the Ukrainian military for personal gain.

Disclosure Fraudsters collect information about Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs)

Fraudsters have created a website that pretends to be a resource that allegedly helps Ukrainians affected by the war. Under Facebook posts, bots leave comments like: "We created a project that directly connects donors with individual Ukrainians or Ukrainian refugees who apply for financial assistance" and add a link to a fraudulent site. Instead of helping, this resource actually collects user data.

As noted by the fact-checkers of the NotaYenota project, fraudulent sites basically do not have data about the project team, distribution of duties, responsibility and reporting. Also, there are usually no contacts, only the opportunity to leave your own ones. Although there is a mention of a Facebook page on the site, there is no link to it. There are no reviews from those who have already received help, although scammers usually add fake reviews.

In order to allegedly receive financial assistance, you need to create an account on the Binance cryptocurrency platform. Next, you need to shoot a video up to a minute and send your wallet number to Binance. It is surprising that scammers do not ask for passport details to make sure that it is Ukrainians who are applying for help. It is likely that in the future, scammers will use video recording to deceive facial identification technologies and access to personal data.

The Binance platform has indeed previously participated in a financial assistance project for refugees from Ukraine. However, only those living abroad could receive assistance. Now this project is closed, and it is impossible to get help.

Now the fraudulent site is blocked, but you may see what this resource looked like through the web archive. Despite the constant blocking of such fraudulent resources, new ones are constantly appearing.

Disclosure New manuals published in Russia to minimize the negative mood of the conscripted

The network got a letter with instructions for journalists, in which propagandists share new recommendations due to the high level of discontent among the population, including those conscripted.

Among the recommendations propagandists were offered:

do not use the term "mobiki" in order to supposedly treat the mobilized more respectfully;

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the manuals, are recommended to be called "militants" and "armed formations". Also, in no case should they use the generally accepted abbreviation “AFU” (Armed Forces of Ukraine);

the military leadership of Ukraine is asked to attribute to the "Western curators of Kyiv";

explosions and guerrilla sabotage are asked not to be called "claps" anymore, this time they are asked not to use the newspeak as it is"making population nervous";

those who left Russia after the announcement of mobilization are recommended to be ridiculed, calling them "ubiezhant" (refugees) and "pieriezhdun" (those who wait), and it is noted that words should be avoided that will hint to listeners that people left the country of their own free will.

The emergence of new manuals indicates that there is a problem in Russian society, and discontent is growing.

Disclosure How Russia discredits the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the help of its agents in the West

To carry out information campaigns, the Russians were building their network abroad long before the start of a full-scale invasion, but with the onset of the great war, the concentration of these networks increased significantly. The special services of the partner countries are still identifying people who are either agents of Russia or "agents of influence" of Russia.

Andrii Cherniak, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, reports that the Russians are very interested in blocking the supply of weapons from our partners, because they understand that it will be very difficult for Ukraine without their military-technical assistance.

That is why propagandists discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine: they are trying to make it impossible for weapons to reach Ukraine by any means. Space reconnaissance, an intelligence network, and all means of political and economic blackmail are involved.

“The Russians are working with the media to carry out information operations, such as the fictitious sale of Western weapons by Ukraine or the use of a “dirty bomb” by our Armed Forces”, said the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

Russia spends millions of dollars to finance such a campaign. However, according to Andrii Cherniak, it is large-scale and inefficient. However, Russia does not stop trying to influence the West in this way.

Disclosure Russia manipulates temporary blackouts in Ukraine claiming its unnecessity

Manipulations are spreading on social media that power cuts in Ukraine, which had to be imposed as a result of Russian rocket attacks on energy facilities, are unfounded.

Allegedly, private entrepreneurs receive "surplus profits" from this and therefore turn off electricity to people on purpose. Cases of manipulation on the network drew the attention of the fact-checker of the NotaYenota project. According to data from DTEK, which fact-checkers managed to obtain, the losses occur not in the production of electricity, but in its distribution.

“There were minor damages at some of the TPPs that were quickly recovered. That is, we are talking about the fact that the same amount of electricity is produced as before the massive shelling of the infrastructure, but it is problematic to transfer it for consumption. Since the terrorist actions of Russia damaged critical facilities that transmit electricity from production stations to the place of consumption”, the message says. In addition, the distribution of electricity generated by nuclear, thermal or hydroelectric power plants is carried out in the network of NPC "Ukrenergo" (state-run enterprise) through high-voltage switchgear from 110 kV and above (150 kV, 220 kV, 330 kV, 750 kV) . Private regional distribution companies have networks and substations with a voltage class of up to 110 kV.

Their networks are designed to receive electricity from main networks with high voltage, convert this voltage to a level that consumers can accept (0.4 kV or 220 V) and directly transfer it to consumers. That is, government facilities were damaged. NPC "Ukrenergo" also performs the functions of the main dispatch center. The execution of any dispatcher commands for all other participants in the electricity market is mandatory. Under current conditions, all outages occur either as a result of accidents or at the command of the dispatcher (rolling outages).

This can be a drawn up proven schedule for some period of time (depending on the amount of capacity utilization and provision). In the current conditions, this is basically a given instruction, which is formed depending on the situation. Indeed, less electricity is used at night than during the day, but still this is too much for those lines that remained unscathed”, the fact checkers explain. They add that the delivery and use of electricity should go to zero: that is, how much is produced and how much is used. If 10 GW is produced, the same amount must be consumed. Today it is possible to deliver only a certain amount of electricity (it is not enough even for the less peak hours). So, throughout the day there are outages for balancing. However, it is beneficial for Russia to spread the manipulation that Ukraine is turning off the electricity to employees so that private companies can profit, and not because of Russia's criminal actions. Thus, Russia seeks to make itself not guilty and seeks to discredit the leaders of Ukraine. Like, they don't care about the conditions in which Ukrainians live. 

Disclosure Russian hackers send letters with malicious links on behalf of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

Ukrainians began to receive e-mails from Russian hackers represented by specialists from the State Service of Special Communications. Attached to this message is a link to download the archive file (RAR) and a label with the name "TZI tools with an expert opinion on compliance with the requirements of technical information security.lnk".

Specialists of the State Service of Special Communications and the Computer Events Response Team note that opening this file will lead to the download of malicious programs, including some that can steal your personal data.

Letters are sent through the service @mail.gov.ua This is how attackers try to disguise themselves as representatives of state bodies.

Disclosure Residents of Kherson are being intimidated with postcards that copy the propaganda of the Nazis

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that the inhabitants of Kherson began to find leaflets from the Ukrainian army, practically corresponding to those scattered by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Such postcards are distributed on social networks to draw a parallel between the Ukrainian army and the liberation of cities from Russian occupiers and the German army and the occupation of the Soviet Union.

Disclosure The invaders force the Kherson people to move to the left bank of the Dnipro

The call to evacuate was spread by Putin during a meeting with so-called volunteers engaged in pseudo-evacuation. It states that the occupying authorities of Kherson declared that they must "immediately leave the city" and at the same time began a forced evacuation to the left bank of the Dnipro. Like, the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can harm the civilian population.

As the analysts of the Center for Countering Disinformation report, in fact, the liberated houses of the Kherson people will allow the Russian military to settle there, and it will also reduce the number of pro-Ukrainian population that interferes with the occupiers.

Analysts claim that on a global scale, these actions are aimed at deporting Ukrainians to depressed regions of Russia.

Putin's desire not to harm civilians is an example of the cynicism of a propagandist dictatorship, and the call to "remove" the civilians of Kherson from the combat zone is presented as a "gesture of goodwill". The population that has left its homes is more easily subjected to manipulation and pressure from the infidels, which will play into the enemy's hands.

Disclosure The occupiers created a fake website of the Come Back Alive Foundation

A fake website of the Ukrainian army assistance fund appeared on the network, identical to the Ukrainian one. The Russians copied the look of the site, translated the materials and passed everything off as their own.

NotaYenota fact-checkers report that the Russians took a real article that the Come Back Alive Foundation raised more than $100 million in support of the army (of course, the Ukrainian one). However, in the fake version, all the meetings were transferred to the occupying army.

In addition, this fund does not have a Russian version, only Ukrainian and English.

We urge you not to visit suspicious third-party sites as this may threaten your privacy.

The Come Back Alive Foundation is an army assistance charitable fund whose goal is to make the defense forces more effective and systematically counter the enemy. The Foundation purchases equipment that helps to save the lives of the military people, and also raises funds for them.

Disclosure Russian Propaganda Uses Newspeak to Smooth Out Troubles at the Front

The Center for Strategic Communications compiled a Newspeak Dictionary of Russian Propaganda, and using examples of several words and phrases from this dictionary, showed how Newspeak works.

According to experts, Newspeak colors the language ideologically and justifies repressions and wars of conquest. Thanks to it, the annexation of Crimea is transformed into “reunification”, and the occupation of Ukrainian lands with a full-scale invasion into “liberation”. It also smooths out the negative and diminishes the scale of failures at the front. Explosions become "pops", helicopters and planes do not fall but "fall on their sides" and "make a hard landing", collisions of ships become "rapprochements". And finally, the escape of Russian troops from the Kharkiv region turns into an "organized transfer of the Izium-Balakliia group to the territory of DNR".

Experts write that with the help of Newspeak the meanings of words change. The word "fake" in Russian propaganda now means not the false information, but information that does not come from the Russian authorities and state media.

Newspeak also penetrates the vocabulary of any Russian publications or politicians, even opposition ones. They also use the word "special operation", thereby removing from Putin the responsibility for unleashing a full-scale war and "unbracketing" the war crimes of the Russian army. They also use the names of "people's republics" as if they have sovereignty, thereby giving them legitimacy. Therefore, Newspeak is the same weapon of Russia in the information war as fakes and manipulations.