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Disclosure The occupiers distributed a document stating that the Ukrainian leadership will mobilize nuclear power plant workers

Such a “document” was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The “document” states that the people's deputies of Ukraine are turning to the head of Energoatom with a request to provide a list of Ukrainian NPP workers to be mobilized.

Analysts of the StopFake project investigated this case and found that the document was fake. As analysts explain, the “document” includes a number of inaccuracies, in particular:

The fake document does not meet the standard design that people's deputies use when writing an appeal;

The wording used in the “document” is not typical for official business correspondence;

The authors of the “document” made grammatical and spelling errors.

In addition, as analysts note that some people's deputies who allegedly signed the “document” have already resigned and are not fulfilling the duties of people's deputies.

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