Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The journalist who published the “investigation” of the purchase of the villa by the Zelenskyi family was allegedly “killed”

Pro-Kremlin media are spreading information that allegedly after another scandal related to the “purchase” of the villa of Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels for 8 million euros, Zelenskyi decided to get rid of the so-called investigative journalist who had previously exposed the purchase of other real estate; namely, the villas of Zelenskyi’s mother-in-law. It's a lie.

Fact-checkers of the EU vs Disinfo project explained: firstly, just like the first case of buying a villa, the second one is not true. Let’s say, with regard to the so-called villa of Zelenskyi’s mother-in-law, the “investigation material” includes many factual errors. The authors provide a photo of an alleged document about the purchase of real estate, where the future owner of the house is indicated. So the document says that Olha KIYASHKO owns the house, although according to the current standards of the state migration service, the transliteration on all documents would look like this: Olha KYIASHKO. The authors did not prove the authenticity of such a “document” and did not explain where they got it from. That is, the contract for the purchase of the villa at least definitely does not concern Olha Kyiashko.

And the identity of the investigative journalist himself raises many questions. Since, upon request in the search engine, Mohammed Al-Alawi investigative journalist gives only a link to the material about this villa and no additional information about the person - it is most likely that this name was invented. That is, they killed no one, because such a person simply does not exist and no one bought the villa.

Also with the second example of “taking possession” of real estate: quite recently, Russian propagandists were convincing people that the Ukrainian president allegedly acquired the former villa of the main propagandist of the Third Reich. In support of such theses, a video of a “former employee” of a Berlin real estate company was attached. The woman called herself Sabine Mels.

However, it was not possible to establish a connection between the so-called Sabine Mels and the Berlin real estate company. And when asked in a search engine, “Sabine Mels” gives just a link to material about this villa and nothing more. In this case, the situation is repeated: most likely, the name of this person was also invented.

As for the “investigation” video, it was published on an inactive YouTube channel, where there are only three videos. One of these videos is dedicated to the ultra-right movement. The author posted a story from the Indian news service WION about the growing number of sympathizers of the German Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The second video is called “anti-fascists agreed to tell” and the author himself, throughout the third video, talks about the “purchase” of a villa, wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Antifaschistische aktion” (anti-fascist action). According to the German Federal Service for the Protection of the Constitution, this movement belongs to left-wing extremists. Anti-fascism (opposition to Nazism and fascism) as an ideology can have different “dimensions” of development: left, liberal, etc. The Federal Service, among other things, cited cases of violence from members of such communities: you can read here.

In the end, Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and neutralize Ukrainian intentions to combat corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate with misappropriated funds from Western partners. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By spreading such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption in Ukraine allegedly cannot be corrected, so it will not be accepted into the EU or NATO.

Fake Men who want to get a new passport abroad will allegedly be returned to Ukraine

Propagandists are distributing an allegedly official letter, which states that Ukrainian men born between 1960 and 2006 who have submitted documents to obtain a passport at the foreign representative offices of the Document State Enterprise will receive temporary travel documents to return to Ukraine. Data about them will supposedly be entered into the register of persons liable for military service and will be provided for verification to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. Those who are wanted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support will allegedly have their passport revoked.

In fact, this information is not true. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security wrote about this.

Firstly, the Document State Enterprise does not have the authority to issue “temporary travel documents for returning to Ukraine” - this is handled by diplomatic missions or consular offices.

Secondly, men born in 1960 are now 63-64 years old, in 2006 - 17-18 years old. Only men from 27 to 60 years old are eligible for the prize. Here is another proof of the falsity of the information.

Thirdly, the mentioned letter was allegedly signed by Volodymyr Shvachko, but he was suspended from exercising his powers as general director for the duration of the internal investigation from December 26, 2023 to January 19, 2024. That is, he could not do this. If this “document” were real, it would not have been signed by Shvachko, but by a temporary acting official.

Fourthly, the “letter” contains a number of errors, including spelling errors. For example, “as received” is a tracing-paper from Russian. The text of the “letter” itself begins with the words “At your request”, but does not first contain the name of the person who made this request - this is unacceptable in official business correspondence.

By distributing this fake document online, Russian propaganda is trying to intimidate Ukrainian men abroad, saying that “the authorities have taken them seriously: they will all be found and mobilized”. This release of information took place against the backdrop of a sensational bill dated December 25, 2023 to improve certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service. In particular, it proposes to introduce verification of men who are abroad. In addition, it spells out the negative consequences of violating the law if it is adopted in its original form.

Fake The church calendar, edited by the OCU, allegedly celebrates Zelenskyi’s birthday and the “day of Saint Javelin”

On anonymous telegram channels they are distributing a photo of the church calendar of the OCU, which supposedly states: January 7, they say, one cannot celebrate Christmas, since then only “Russians and their accomplices” celebrate. And on January 25, the calendar allegedly (at the state level) marks the birthday of Volodymyr Zelenskyi. At the same time, May 25 is the “day of Saint Javelin”. It's fake.

Analysts from the StopFake project investigated the case and found out that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine did not publish such a calendar; it was created by Kremlin minions and then presented as the work of the Ukrainian church. The real church calendar was published on the official website of the OCU - and there is no mention in it of the Ukrainian president or the so-called Saint Javelin. The calendar indicates that on January 25, Orthodox Christians commemorate St. Gregory the Theologian, and on May 25, the Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.

Moreover, the false calendar contains numerous errors: the author of “Saint Javelin” is considered to be Christian Borys, and not Chris Shaw, as the fakes wrote; There was also a mistake in writing the surname of the head of Ukraine - they wrote “Zelinsky” instead of “Zelenskyi”. And the word “accomplice” is in most cases used in criminal or judicial contexts. The literary version is “supporter”.

And “Saint Javelin” was never canonized to mark the day in church life. Even during the creation of a mural in Kyiv dedicated to the concept of Our Lady holding a Javelin in her hands, the Ukrainian Council of Churches - an association of Ukrainian religious leaders - opposed its creation. Subsequently, they had to sketch the halo at the request of the local administration.

Fake In Ukraine, a man without a leg was allegedly considered fit for military service

Users of social networks and media figures spreading pro-Russian rhetoric began to spread false information that in Ukraine a man without a leg was allegedly declared fit for military service. A photograph of the temporary certificate of the person liable for military service with the corresponding decision is used as “evidence”. They say that even with one leg, a Ukrainian was recognized not as disabled, but as “limitedly functional”. The fake document notes that the man was “recognized” fit for service with a diagnosis of “amputation stump of the right lower limb above the level of the upper third of the leg”. Such a document, apparently, was allegedly signed by the head of the Desnianskyi regional territorial center for recruitment and social support in Kyiv, Dmytro  Klabukov.

After disseminating such information, StopFake decided to check whether a man with such a diagnosis could really be considered fit for military service. As it turned out, this information is not true.

Firstly, the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine” contains a clear list of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the degree of suitability for military service. Article 63 of this list also contains a diagnosis that propaganda added to the fake document - “unilateral amputation stump of the lower limb above the level of the upper third of the lower leg”. With such a diagnosis, as noted in the Ministry of Defense document, a person is considered “unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration”. According to information as of December 11, 2023, this order is in effect.

Secondly, in the widespread “document” there is an incorrect wording regarding suitability or unsuitability for military service - “Fit for military service. Limited functionality”. The fact is that the said order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stipulates that after a medical examination of conscripts, one of the decisions must be made: whether they are fit for military service; temporarily unfit for military service, needs treatment in...; requires referral for additional medical examination and repeated medical examination; unfit for military service in peacetime, limited suitability under martial law; unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration. If a person had health problems and was fit for military service, he would be written “limitedly fit under martial law”, not “fit for military service. Limited functionality”.

Thirdly, since the circulated photograph shows that the document was signed by the head of the regional territorial center for recruitment and social support and joint venture in Kyiv, StopFake decided to contact them for a comment on whether such a document was really signed there. The representative of the institution replied that this document looked like a fake. In particular, he drew attention to paragraph No. 7, which states fitness for military service for health reasons. It is in this paragraph that the diagnosis with which the man, as they claim, was considered fit, is indicated. In addition, the  territorial center for recruitment and social support representative added that, based on the information in the photograph distributed by propagandists, the man should have been excluded from the lists of those liable for military service “as a convicted person”  (based on the information in paragraph No. 8 of the document being distributed. - ed.).

Such fakes are spread to discredit the government and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as to cause panic among the population. They say that everyone is being drafted into the army because everything is bad at the front. Detector Media also wrote about other inventions of Russians on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine.

Disclosure The Russians are distributing a document in which the commandant of the Lviv region allegedly asks for information about university students

This was revealed by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Propaganda messages say that the commandant of the Lviv region, Taras Hren, allegedly asked the leadership of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University to provide information about all male students. And a photo of the corresponding “document” is added to the messages.

However, the Lviv Regional Military Administration explained that the commandant of the Lviv region or not a single unit of the Lviv Regional Military Administration sent such letters to higher educational institutions. So the document is fake.

Fake The Office of the President of Ukraine allegedly transferred Ukrainian land to Soros' son for storing toxic waste

A number of netizens spreading pro-Russian rhetoric are disseminating information that Alexander, the son of the famous philanthropist George Soros, allegedly entered into an agreement with the Ukrainian authorities to allocate 400 sq. m. km of land for disposal of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil refineries. It is noted that this information was allegedly exposed by an investigation by French journalist Jules Vincent. He showed two “documents” that supposedly confirm this agreement - a Memorandum on the provision of land to foreign companies, allegedly signed by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak on the one hand and Alexander Soros on the other, as well as the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi on the allocation of land in Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi and Chernivtsi regions. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the information was first published by a user of the X network (formerly Twitter) under the nickname @VincentVinxent1. In his 6-minute video, this user, introducing himself as Jules Vincent, said that he was allegedly approached by a representative of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, who anonymously handed over documents to the “independent journalist” @VincentVinxent1, which, according to him, confirm the transfer Ukrainian black soil for storing hazardous waste to the Soros family StopFake analysts discovered that the French journalist Jules Vincent really exists, but the @VincentVinxent1 account probably belongs to someone else. On the Strategic Horizons website one can find a biography and photo of columnist Jules Vincent, who, according to him, worked as a documentarian and journalist. However, a comparison of the photos shows that the people in the photos on the site and on Network X are different. A reverse search of @VincentVinxent1's profile photo yielded no positive results. It is also surprising that the “independent journalist” page consists mainly of retweets. So far, it has existed since September 2018, but there are only seven of its own publications, and all of them are without curse words or retweets. In addition, 1,129 accounts subscribed to the profile, a significant number of which are bots.

As for the information about the transfer of land to the Soros family, which is disseminated by this profile, it is not true. Documents distributed online are forgeries. The Decree of the President of Ukraine on the transfer of land plots to American companies shows that the document was supposedly signed on November 13, 2023 and has number No. 603/2023. However, such a document was not found on the website of the President of Ukraine, where all decrees are published. There is also a gross error in the spelling of the Ternopil region and insignificant differences in spelling. In addition, the “document” contains a mention of Part 1 of Article 116 of the Land Code of Ukraine, which does not correspond to reality. This part of the article provides for the transfer of the right to use a land plot by the President of Ukraine. Also, according to Ukrainian legislation, foreigners and foreign companies cannot purchase agricultural land.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to strengthen the myth of Ukraine’s subjectivity. They say that the Ukrainian authorities do not care about the rights of Ukrainians, they do not own their territory, and therefore they distribute it to their leaders. Russian media regularly spread disinformation about the Soros family, which was refuted by the Detector Media.

Fake A monument to Joe Biden will allegedly be erected in Kyiv

Anonymous telegram channels spread information that a monument in honor of Joseph Biden would be erected on the site of the recently demolished monument to Pushkin in Kyiv. The authors of the messages add to the publication a plan for creating the monument and its estimate: they explained that they plan to create a monument with Joe Biden shaking hands with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. They also named a real company that would create such a project and added a number of “documents” to the messages. It's a lie.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project investigated his case and determined that the company, which, according to fake documents, is the likely executor of the project, denied the report about the production of a monument to Joe Biden. Their press service explained that they are not working on the construction of the monument and at the same time they have not received such requests.

According to propagandists, the project was allegedly ordered by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. In general, this is an institution that is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. However, on the government procurement website Prozorro, for example, there is not a single tender for the installation of a monument to Joe Biden from this government agency. Neither the Ministry of Culture nor affiliated structures mentioned such a project on their social networks.

Fake The OCU prays for Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU

An eight-second video is being circulated on social networks in the Russian segment, allegedly showing a prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU being read in a Ukrainian church. “God, don’t send us to Heaven, but send us to NATO and the EU”, is allegedly written in the text of such a “prayer”. Anonymous telegram channels began to claim that the OCU was engaged in blasphemy and discrediting Orthodox believers. It is not true.

The StopFake analysts studied the case and found out that the video is not real, because there is no information that is located in Ukrainian churches about reading such a “prayer”. Moreover, information is disseminated only in pro-Kremlin media or anonymous telegram channels.

As experts explained, according to church rules, the texts of new prayers are approved by the Holy Synod of the OCU - this is the governing body of the OCU. All their decisions, including the texts of newly approved prayers, are published on the official website of the OCU. However, StopFake analysts did not find among the decisions of the Synod the statement of “prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU”.

They also contacted the press service of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The department told them that this was an obvious fake, and they did not approve such a prayer.

Fake The morale and psychological state of the Armed Forces is assessed as low, Zaluzhnyi approved the report

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks publish a scan of a document allegedly in the name of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi. In it, the moral and psychological state of the Armed Forces is assessed as low. However, this document is a fake.

The analysts of the Center of Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine drew attention to it. They found that the “document” contained a large number of grammatical errors. In addition, the text has a characteristic Russian-language tracing paper and a style uncharacteristic of documents. Moreover, the margin between the main text and the official's signature has been increased by 1.5-2 times. That is, part of the main text is hidden or deleted.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to demoralize the Armed Forces of Ukraine and cause panic among the civilian population. He said that terrible things are happening to the psyche of the military, and therefore, you have to agree to Russia's terms and start living normally. In this way, the Russians manipulate the important topic of mental health of veterans, turning it into a scarecrow for Ukrainians. Detector Media has already written about how Russia devalues the topic of mental health during the war in general.

Fake Ukrainians are being mobilized into Israeli “volunteer battalions”

On social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, videos are being distributed with information about the so-called mobilization of Ukrainians to Israel. In the video, the hero shows a “draft notice” issued allegedly by the local territorial center of recruitment and social support. The draft notice notes that, in accordance with Article II of the Law of Ukraine “On Refugees and People in Need of Additional or Temporary Protection”, the man was allegedly drafted into the “volunteer battalion” of Israel. It is not true.

The StopFake analysts investigated the case and analyzed that, in fact, the draft notice depicted in the video is fake. After all, the design of the document does not correspond to the current model. Both the draft notice and the procedure for maintaining military records of conscripts and those liable for military service are regulated by a specific legislative initiative. In particular, we are talking about the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 7, 2016 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and maintaining military records of conscripts and those liable for military service”. And documents of this type have the same design; they cannot differ from each other.

Actually, the official form of the draft notice can be seen in Appendix No. 24 to this Resolution. The draft notice form was last changed on January 26, 2022, when the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced appropriate changes to some resolutions on the performance of military duty.

As for the law that propagandists refer to, it has nothing to do with military service. Article 2  generally deals with the legislative framework regarding refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection.

The fact-checkers also recorded numerous errors in the “draft notice”. For example, in the column where one needed to write the name of the territorial center of recruitment and social support, the authors of the fake message indicated the Security Service of Ukraine in the Odesa region. The SBU’s competence apparently does not include any mobilization actions.

Fake The EU asks the children of Zelenskyi, Reznikov and Kuleba to be granted Spanish citizenship

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media and anonymous telegram channels claim that the European Commission and the European Council allegedly officially sent a letter to the King of Spain with a request to grant permanent residence permits in the country to the children of the President of Ukraine, the ex-minister of defense and minister, as well as other Ukrainian officials. It's fake.

The fact-checker of the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that the “letter” being circulated by propagandists is a fake, likely based on a letter from the European Council to King Mohammed VI of Morocco dated September 9, 2023. This letter can be found on the official website of the European Union. Meanwhile, the “letter” that propagandists talk about is not there, which is atypical, since all letters and statements from EU institutions are published on the website. The “letter” is not on the European Commission website either. In addition, Russian media have not been able to decide on the status they are “asking” for the children of Ukrainian officials. While it is about “citizenship” or “nationality”, the “letter” talks about a certificate of permanent residence. The procedure for obtaining a certificate in Spain by applying to the king is illogical, since without it it can be obtained using a simplified procedure in accordance with European Council Directive 2001/55/EC. In addition, the “letter” lists only male persons with a purely Russian transcription of first and last names, which does not coincide with the official transcription for Ukrainian foreign passports. The fake was refuted by the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

Propagandists spread such fakes to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and cause panic among the population about a “comprehensive mobilization”. They say that while some are caught on the street and taken to the centers of recruitment and social support, the children of politicians are taken abroad so that they are not taken to war. Detector Media previously talked about other fakes regarding mobilization in Ukraine.

Fake During a visit to New York, Olena Zelenska bought jewelry worth more than a million dollars

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing an article from the Nigerian publication The Nation, which posted photos of receipts for Olena Zelenska’s alleged purchases in jewelry stores during her official visit to the United States. The First Lady allegedly spent over a million dollars on Cartier jewelry. It's fake.

The case was examined by the fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. The “receipt” distributed by Russian propaganda shows the date September 22, 2023, but it was on this day that Olena and Volodymyr Zelenskyi were on an official visit to Canada. That is, the first lady physically could not be in jewelry stores in New York.

Before traveling to Canada, the Ukrainian President and First Lady made an official visit to Washington, where they visited the Pentagon Memorial and held several meetings, including with Jill Biden.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Olena Zelenska, saying that Ukrainians are fighting while the first lady is spending money. Propagandists are trying to create a negative attitude towards the first lady. Previously, we refuted the fake news that Russians found Olena Zelenska’s Russian passport in Crimea.

Fake Ukrainians in Ireland are extradited to serve in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

In the chats of Ukrainians in Ireland, a “letter” from the Irish Ministry of Justice was distributed, which alleged requests for the extradition of Ukrainians to serve in the Armed Forces. According to the “letter”, its recipients were scheduled to appear in court for an “extradition hearing” in October. Failure to comply with the “instructions” “may result in an arrest warrant being issued”. These letters are fake.

It was reported by Facebook users and The Irish Times. They note that although the form resembles the real one in appearance, the address in the image of the “letter” is rather random, since no Ukrainians live behind it. In addition, the Irish Ministry of Justice stated that it had not received any extradition requests and had not sent any such letters. It also urged recipients to apply for a special phone number to detect the fake.

With its help, Russia wants to cause panic among Ukrainian refugees and support the narrative of the “failure of the counteroffensive”. They say that everything is so bad in Ukraine that it is forced to mobilize its refugees from abroad. Detector Media has already refuted the fake news about the “extradition” of Ukrainians from Poland.

Message “Unknown” vaccines are being tested on Ukrainian Defense Forces soldiers

This thesis was spread on social networks, in particular in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the so-called Western biological laboratories have already flooded the whole of Ukraine and are conducting experiments on the military there: in particular, they are testing vaccines of “unknown” origin. The experiments are allegedly carried out by the Pharmabiotest company, which is allegedly affiliated with clinics in the USA. The authors add that in the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, Russian troops found the corresponding “documents” confirming the testing. Interviews with supposedly Ukrainian prisoners of war are added to the publications.

VoxCheck project analysts analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that the Russians did not provide any evidence or documents in their publications to support their thesis. Moreover, the fact-checkers were unable to identify the characters in the video. That is, probable military prisoners of war. They suggest that the videos could have been compiled and passed off as Ukrainian prisoners. Or the occupiers forced the Ukrainian military to lie, blackmailing them in any way. After all, Russia can use prisoners of war for its own political purposes. For example, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry condemned such actions by Russia.

Read what is happening to Ukrainian soldiers behind the walls of Russian prisons in the Human Rights Media Initiative. Because intimidation, constant terror and blackmail are the actions of the Russians towards Ukrainian captives.

By the way, Pharmabiotest is a real laboratory where experiments are carried out. However, on the website of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine there is a list of all possible experiments conducted by different clinics. Therefore, Pharmbiotest conducted studies on the bioavailability of drugs such as Adesin, Tenzocard, Klovask, etc. All these names are common drugs. There is no mention of vaccine testing on the clinic's website. That is, propagandists threw in information without confirmation.

Fake Zelensky's mother-in-law bought a villa on the Egyptian coast with Western humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Such information is disseminated in the Nigerian media segment. Reports say Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly purchased a villa for his mother-in-law, Olha Kyiashko. In the material, the media provide evidence of the purchase of the villa, in particular, they show the relevant documents on the purchase. They also add a “video of investigative journalist” Mohammed Al-Alawi. Subsequently, this information was disseminated by anonymous Russian propaganda telegram channels, reporting that Zelenskyi makes all purchases “from the pockets of taxpayers”. It's a lie.

First of all, the “material-investigation” includes many factual errors. The authors provide a photo of an alleged document on the purchase of real estate, where the future owner of the house is indicated. So the document says that he owns the house of Olha KIYASHKO, although according to the current standards of the state migration service, the transliteration on all documents would look like this - Olha KYIASHKO. The authors did not prove the authenticity of such a “document” and did not explain where they got it from. What the authors were asked more than once in the comments under the video. That is, the contract for the purchase of a villa, at least, does not exactly apply to Olha Kyiashko.

Moreover, regarding the “journalistic investigation video”, it was published on a YouTube channel created a few days before the information about the purchase was thrown out. And the post of the investigative journalist himself raises many questions. Since, upon request in the search engine, Mohammed Al-Alawi, the investigative journalist gives only a link to the material about the purchase of the villa and no additional information about this person. In general, the text is full of value judgments and false information.

Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and level Ukrainian intentions to fight corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate for misappropriated funds from Western partners. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By dispersing such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption cannot be fixed in Ukraine, which is why it will be taken into the EU or NATO.

Fake The commander of the 123rd Territorial defense forces brigade is trying to get consent from the military for cremation

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook are distributing a document in which servicemen of the 123rd Territorial defense forces brigade are forced to agree to cremation in case of death. The bogus order states that such a need arose as a result of the “high number of brigade casualties” and “limited logistics to the rear areas”. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. They checked the “document” with the InVID photo analysis tool and found that the print image differed from other text in terms of compression, so it was probably added in a graphics editor. Also, the wrong EDRPOU number of the military unit is indicated, and the signature of the commander of the unit, Colonel Roman Tokarenko, looks different.

On the Facebook page, the 123th Territorial defense forces brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also reported that the document was fake. StopFake fact-checkers also took a comment from the brigade, representatives said: “This order is the IPSO of the occupying state, aimed at demoralizing the personnel of the brigade and Ukrainian society. The command of military unit A 7052 never gave any such orders”.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to sow panic among civilians and military personnel, saying that Ukraine has many losses at the front. Earlier, we refuted the fake that in Ternopil they threaten to turn off gas and hot water to conscripts who do not come to the Territorial center of recruitment and social support.

Fake In Ternopil, they threaten to turn off gas and hot water to conscripts those who do not come to the Territorial center of recruitment and social support

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are spreading a fake document on behalf of the Ternopil public utility. It threatens to turn off gas and hot water to conscripts who do not appear at the local Territorial center of recruitment and social support. This “letter” also states that shutdowns will be carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization”. The “letter” bears the signature of Oleksandr Andriyovych Popov, director of the Komenergo-Ternopil 1 company, which is engaged in the improvement of apartment buildings in Ternopil. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. They took comments from representatives of the Ternopil Territorial center of recruitment and social support, who refuted this document. They also noted that the regional Territorial centers of recruitment and social support are not involved in mobilization notifications - the mobilization process on the ground is carried out by city and district departments. Errors indicate that the “letter” is a fake. For example, instead of the word “according to” in Ukrainian, the Russian propaganda wrote “according to” in Russian, and the text itself indicates the date by which one needs to come to the Territorial center of recruitment and social support - January 18, 2023.

In addition, the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization” does not contain information on penalties in the form of turning off water and gas.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to spread panic among Ukrainians and discredit the Ukrainian authorities. They say that in order to encourage conscripts to register with the Territorial center of recruitment and social support and mobilize, the authorities are ready to turn off gas and water. Earlier, we talked about the manipulation that due to “huge losses” in the regions of Ukraine, a general mobilization began.

Fake Mobilized in Ukraine are prohibited from issuing ammunition

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are allegedly spreading the order of the commander of the military unit A-7053 (124-th separate territorial defense brigade). In it, he allegedly prohibits the issuance of ammunition to those mobilized due to the increased incidence of suicide. It's fake.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. They determined that the document was fake because the text contained errors, and the seal was added using photo editors.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian army, to sow discouragement among the Ukrainian military. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake claim that supposedly unknown persons distributed a document on behalf of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which recommends carrying out preventive work on homosexuality among servicemen.

Disclosure The Russians distributed a “document” on behalf of the commander of a military unit, in which they are ordered to detain “all males”

Such information was disseminated in social networks and propaganda media. The reports say that the commander of the Kherson military unit A3056 allegedly issued an order to detain all male persons. The order notes that the military will create checkpoints where they will patrol around the clock and inspect personal belongings and documents. All men passing through checkpoints (in the direction of Kherson) will allegedly be detained and handed over to the SBU.

The case was noticed by the fact-checkers of the NotaYenota project; they found out that this “document” was false. In particular, the following errors indicate the fakeness of the document:

The “document” misspelled the name of the head of the military unit. For example, in a false document it says “KUZMYCH”, although the real name is “KUZMICH”.

The fake document also does not comply with the formatting rules. So the last name and first name are written on the right, and the last name is in capital letters. These requirements in the “document” are not met.

Military unit A3056 is subordinate to the National Guard. And the fake makers indicated the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the document.

Disclosure At the NATO summit in Vilnius, pro-Russian activists distributed brochures with the “peace plan of the Ukrainian people”

On July 11-12, a NATO summit was held in Vilnius, as a result of which Ukrainian officials received assurances from NATO leaders that Ukraine would become a member of the Alliance after the victory. However, Ukraine has not yet received an official invitation to NATO membership. Also, as a result, Ukraine received a new weapon, a program for training pilots on the F-16, a new body - the Ukraine-NATO Council, coordinating relations between Ukraine and NATO. Fact-checkers of the project “Beyond the News” found out that during the summit, pro-Russian activists distributed brochures with the “peace plan of the Ukrainian people” through bookcrossing boxes. This, they say, was organized by the “representation of the Ukrainian people”, which acts on the “name of the Ukrainian people”, who do not agree with the policy of the current government. However, such an organization does not exist, it is fake. As experts explained, the theses written in a brochure repeat the pro-Kremlin agenda. That is, all of them are propaganda. So they gave an example of “harassment of the Russian-speaking population” or the so-called legal referendums in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Among other things, the brochure broadcast the following messages:

In the last 9 years, a totalitarian regime has been formed in Ukraine. Ukraine does not take into account the opinion of the people, but follows its own separate path.

Russian propaganda hints that Ukrainians allegedly did not choose the path of Europeanization, and the Revolution of Dignity and its political consequences were the work of nationalists. Publicity and free-thinking reign in Ukraine, Ukrainians declare their national identity, moreover, they often emphasize this, for which propagandists equate Ukrainians with the so-called “nationalists”. The latter (their minority) allegedly monopolized the right to publicly express their civil position and oppress the opinions of others. Fact-checkers add that since 2014, many independent publications and investigative journalism centers have appeared in Ukraine, and cooperation with European media has intensified. In the world ranking of freedom of speech, Ukraine took 79th place among 180 countries. And, for example, Russia took 164th place this year.

The Ukrainian authorities are destroying the “Russian-speaking population” and are engaged in linguocide. 

Knowing the state language as the language of one's citizenship is the duty of every citizen of Ukraine. At the same time, every citizen of Ukraine is free to choose the language or languages for private communication. Propagandists systematically speculate on the language issue, arguing that Ukraine discriminates against the Russian language. Although it has the same rights as other minority languages. Ukrainian is the main one in public communication. But the law “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language” provides an opportunity to serve customers in other languages at their request.

“Russian-speaking population” is just a political term used by Russia to achieve its own goals. In particular, to destroy Ukraine as a state, and Ukrainians as a nation. According to a sociological survey of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 84% of Ukrainians believe that there are no problems with the use of the Russian language in Ukraine and Russian-speaking citizens do not experience harassment and persecution, only 8% are convinced of the opposite. A slice of public opinion proves that the reproaches about linguocide are propaganda speculation.

The referendums held in Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions are absolutely legitimate. 

Russia is positioning the referenda as the key to the return of historical justice. However, the Russians substitute the concept, calling “reunification” the annexation of the territories of another, sovereign state. In fact, Russia is holding illegitimate referendums, seizing land, destroying cities.

The fictitious referendums in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are not the will of the Ukrainians, but only try to give legitimacy to Russia's attempts to seize part of another state, the UN says. Their results, except for Russia itself, recognize other “brother states” of Russia as the DPRK. A decision on the issue of changing the territory of Ukraine can only be taken on the basis of an all-Ukrainian referendum. In general, the issue submitted to the referendum cannot call into question the territorial integrity of Ukraine. That is, changing the territory of Ukraine in an illegal way. It is no less important that voting should take place voluntarily, and not at gunpoint (when the armed occupiers, together with members of the “electoral commissions”, collected votes from apartments).

Ukrainians have always been in favor of an alliance with Russia and against Euro-Atlantic integration.

Ukraine entered into relations with NATO as early as 1992 when it joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (later to become the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council). In 1994, Ukraine became the first among the post-Soviet states to sign a framework agreement with NATO as part of the Partnership for Peace initiative. Ukraine first declared its desire to become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance in 2002. Then, according to a poll by the Razumkov Center, 32% of Ukrainians supported Ukraine's entry into NATO and 32.2% were against it. Over the years, attitudes towards joining the Alliance have changed dynamically. Russia's aggression in 2014 had a significant impact on public opinion: since then, the level of support for membership has stabilized and has not been below 40%. According to the May 2023 NDI poll, more than 90% of respondents support Ukraine's accession to the EU. And 89% would like to see Ukraine in NATO. That is, the thesis that Ukrainians support Russia and strive to “reunite” with it is not true.

Ukrainians have chosen their path since 2014.

Disclosure A document on behalf of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was distributed, it recommends carrying out preventive work on homosexuality among servicemen

This document was recorded by specialists from the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council. It says that due to the high “non-combat capability” of the Ukrainian army, military units are recommended to carry out preventive work on the so-called “non-traditional sexual orientation”. The authors add that the military, belonging to the LGBTQIAplus community, “undermine” the combat capability of the army.

Fact-checkers explain that such a document is fake. This was confirmed to specialists by the head of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service Nataliia Aliushyna. Since a “probable” document is discriminating, it cannot a priori exist. Moreover, the authors made many spelling and stylistic errors.

For example, the term “non-traditional sexual orientation” does not exist; it stigmatizes members of the LGBTQIAPlus community. Instead, the term homosexual orientation is recommended to be used.

Fake Ukrainian battalions kill Ukrainian children and then export organs under the grain export code

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric circulate an excerpt of a video in which former OSCE observer Vira Vaiman says in Russian that there were allegedly secret laboratories in Ukraine where they allegedly harvested organs from children. According to her, Ukrainian national battalions were engaged in the seizure and trade in organs, they “sent [organs] abroad, processing the parcels as grain exports”. It's fake.

The fact checkers of the 15min project drew attention to the case. Russian propagandists are spreading a fake documentary. Vira Vaiman, who in the video talks about the alleged crimes of the Ukrainian battalions, in fact, was previously known as Vira Nikulina and lived in Vladyvostok. Fact-checkers found no mention of Vira Vaiman or her photographs on the OSCE website.

Previously, two OSCE missions operated in Ukraine, but neither Vira Nikulina nor Vira Vaiman are mentioned in the documents of these missions. And in the OSCE archives and on the organization's website there are no records of the alleged laboratory or trafficking in children's organs in Ukraine.

The fake about the sale of children's organs abroad is part of a disinformation campaign about “black transplantation” that allegedly operates in Ukraine. As for the transplant procedure itself, Detector Media has repeatedly refuted the fakes. This is a complex procedure that requires several specialists, specific equipment, and is limited in time.

Fake In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, it was forbidden to hospitalize those liable for military service without the consent of the territorial recruitment centers

Such information was disseminated in the social networks of the Ukrainian segment. Reports say that in the Ivano-Frankivsk region on June 13, 2023, the hospitalization of men aged 18 to 59 was allegedly temporarily stopped without the consent of the Territorial recruitment and social support center. The authors add to the publications a photo of an Extract about the decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration to ban hospitalization. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project took up this case and found out that the regional council did not make such a decision. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Vitalii Ilchyshyn. However, such a decision was actually considered the day before at the initiative of the Regional territorial center of recruitment and social support. They explained that those liable for military service, whom the military medical commission recognized as fit for service, may try to get to the hospital, declaring a “sudden” deterioration in their condition.

The chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration noted that in this way people can avoid mobilization. The Extract itself, the photo of which was distributed on social networks, was not found by fact-checkers. They wrote that there were no relevant instructions on the official website of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration. The photo of the Extract was previously distributed by telegram channels and media of the Ukrainian segment, although it is not on the official pages.

Disclosure At a meeting with African leaders, Putin presented a fake “agreement on the neutrality of Ukraine”

On June 17, Putin met with the leaders of African countries, where he presented a “pact on the neutrality of Ukraine”. This agreement was allegedly initiated by the Ukrainian side during negotiations in the spring of 2022.

The “document” was noticed by the fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications, who found out that it was not real. This is indicated by the following facts:

the Ukrainian side did not initiate any “neutrality treaties”; Putin showed the working materials of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiation process in 2022 under the guise of a treaty; after the facts about the crimes of Russia in Bucha were revealed, after the evidence of the genocide of the Ukrainian people, the negotiations were terminated; no agreements were reached in the negotiations, and the Ukrainian side rejected the veiled form of surrender promoted by Russia; after the discovery of the facts of the massacre in Bucha and other evidence of the Kremlin's implementation of the genocide of the Ukrainian people, the negotiations lost their meaning and were terminated.

So, Putin showed a fake document to African leaders, counting on their ignorance.

Tactics and tools The Russians circulated a document on behalf of the commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who asks to increase space in cemeteries for “Polish mercenaries”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that the commander of the Operational Command “Skhid” (East) of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleh Mikats, allegedly appealed to the administration of Zaporizhzhia with a request to increase the space in the cemeteries for “Polish mercenaries”. The authors of the messages attach a “document-appeal”.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case and found out that this “document” was fake. In particular, the following errors indicate the fakeness of the document:

The name and position of the addressee are incorrectly written in the “document”; Now there is no mayor in Zaporizhzhia, and the powers of the mayor until new elections are exercised by the secretary of the Zaporizhzhia city council. In all documents, he is signed as “secretary of the city council”, but in the fake document they indicated “head of administration”.

Fact checkers also found factual errors, for example, the appeal was to increase space in the Shevchenko district of Zaporizhzhia. There is no such area in the city.

They also found wording that is not inherent in official business broadcasting. For example, the propagandists in the “document” wrote “occupied Donbas”. Since August 2022, a single concept of “the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation” has been introduced.