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Fake The lie that Titanic magazine released a cover featuring Trump and Yermak

Russian propagandists are circulating images of what is purportedly the new cover of Titanic magazine for December 2024. It depicts the head of the Presidential Office, Andrii Yermak, who is supposedly a footstool for the newly elected US President Donald Trump. The cover also contains captions: “Ukrainian leadership will be very useful to the new US president” and “Trump will appoint everyone to the right positions”.

The VoxCheck project reports that this is a fake cover. It shows issue number 4352. In fact, Titanic released a magazine with a different cover under this issue in December. It depicts the candidate for German chancellor, leader of the Christian Democratic Union, Friedrich Merz, with his wife Charlotte.

After all, all the covers that Titanic has ever created can be viewed on the magazine’s social media pages or on the magazine’s website in the Archive section. The cover with Trump and Yermak is missing there — an additional indication that the Russians created it themselves.

Also at the top right of the fake cover is the inscription “Internet-Aufgabe”. Presumably, the authors of the fake article wanted to use the word “ausgabe” (issue) instead of “aufgabe” (task). This mistake was also present on previous fake covers.

Titanic is a German satirical magazine that is published monthly and publishes mostly political cover images.

During the full-scale war, we recorded at least six fake Titanic magazine covers created by propagandists. A detailed analysis of each fabricated cover can be found on our website by typing the word “Titanic” into the search engine.

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