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Fake The lie that George Soros received a heart transplant from a deceased Ukrainian soldier

Russian propaganda sources are spreading information that George Soros, an American businessman and philanthropist, has allegedly undergone a heart transplant. The donor is said to have been a Ukrainian soldier who died in the war.

In fact, this is another Russian fake, the VoxCheck project writes. No reputable and reliable media have reported on any operation by the 94-year-old Soros, let alone a heart transplant from a deceased Ukrainian soldier. In addition, there is no evidence in open sources of illegal organ harvesting from Ukrainian soldiers. Soldiers, like others, can consent to posthumous donation. However, according to Ukrainian law, in the event of their death in battle, harvesting organs, even despite their consent during their lifetime, is strictly prohibited.

Apparently, Russian propagandists invented this “news” to discredit Soros, who supports Ukraine - his Open Society Foundation alone, as of November 2023, provided Ukraine with over $230 million in support in the form of grants.

Soros has also repeatedly criticized the Russians. For example, he claimed that a victory for Ukraine would be the end of Russia and then it would no longer pose a threat to the rest of the world. In turn, Soros's funds were banned in Russia back in 2015.

Today, pro-Kremlin resources continue to wage a discrediting campaign against the businessman. In particular, in 2023, they spread rumors about the alleged death of Soros, who denied this on social networks the same day. And propagandists also spread conspiracy theories about Soros, saying that he is connected to “reptilians”, is the “owner” of Ukraine, “secretly rules the world”, and others.

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