Fake Disinformation: Ukraine is producing fewer fakes due to lack of funding
Russian propaganda Telegram channels are spreading a video purportedly from the BBC, which claims that Bellingcat investigators have found that “the number of Ukrainian fakes has decreased threefold since mid-November 2024”. In turn, they cite the “lack of funds” for creating and posting content as the most likely reason for this.
However, this is a fake, writes the VoxCheck project. The BBC did not publish such a video either on its official website or on its social media pages. There is also no information about it on Bellingcat's official resources.
The video clip that propagandists are spreading does not contain any original footage. For the fake, they used materials from open sources that are not related to each other. For example, the photo with Volodymyr Zelenskyi was taken from the official website of the Office of the President of Ukraine - the photo was published back in July 2022. And the shot with the President of Ukraine and European leaders was taken during the European Council summit in Brussels on October 17, 2024.
We have previously analyzed fake videos allegedly created by the BBC, in particular, a fake about Zelenskyi's “personal endocrinologist” fleeing abroad.