Spilnota Detector Media

Disclosure Russian media are making staged vidoes about "nazi concentration camp" and "secret prison" at the Aidar battalion.

Russian propagandists, including RT, RIA Novosti, Izvestia, Regnum and Ren TV, and pro-Kremlin telegram channels have been spreading fake information about the "concentration camp" that Ukrainian Aidar battalion fighters have allegedly held for eight years in the village of Polovynkine, Starobilsk region, Luhansk oblast. According to StopFake, these stories show only footage of an abandoned factory location without additional evidence—without traces or evidence of torture (blood, human remains, etc.). This is not the first time that the Russian media has tried to promote the issue of "concentration camps" in Ukraine, these attempts have been recorded since the beginning of the war in Donbas.

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Disclosure Russia has prepared a manual on spreading fakes about Ukraine.

The so-called manual has been distributed to anonymous telegram channels. It was noticed by the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. The manual stated four basic rules for creating fakes: it should be banal and with a touch of absurdity; the fake should contain a powerful message and leave room for audience’s own fantasies;it should take into account local peculiarities and be repeated many times.

The Center urges not to succumb to information provocations and not to share unverified information from anonymous sources in chats or direct messages. Read more

Disclosure . To spread panic among Ukrainians, panic messages were sent online from newly created "patriotic" accounts with Ukrainian symbols in Ukrainian and Russian.

According to the Ministry of Defense, such posts state that “Everything is lost!”, “Help Kyiv (Kherson, Chernihiv, etc., depending on the operational situation)”; “We were all abandoned!” etc.

The Ministry of Defense urges Ukrainians to filter information and trust only verified sources.

Disclosure Relatives and friends of the Ukrainian military receive calls from the numbers of servicemen and are given fake information about their condition and whereabouts.

This was reported by the National Guard of Ukraine.They ask to inform relatives and friends about actions in such situations. "If there are such calls, then ask a question that only you two know the answer to, for example, the name of the kindergarten you went to; the number of the school where he studied; mother's birthday.