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Fake Zelensky's mother-in-law bought a villa on the Egyptian coast with Western humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Such information is disseminated in the Nigerian media segment. Reports say Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly purchased a villa for his mother-in-law, Olha Kyiashko. In the material, the media provide evidence of the purchase of the villa, in particular, they show the relevant documents on the purchase. They also add a “video of investigative journalist” Mohammed Al-Alawi. Subsequently, this information was disseminated by anonymous Russian propaganda telegram channels, reporting that Zelenskyi makes all purchases “from the pockets of taxpayers”. It's a lie.

First of all, the “material-investigation” includes many factual errors. The authors provide a photo of an alleged document on the purchase of real estate, where the future owner of the house is indicated. So the document says that he owns the house of Olha KIYASHKO, although according to the current standards of the state migration service, the transliteration on all documents would look like this - Olha KYIASHKO. The authors did not prove the authenticity of such a “document” and did not explain where they got it from. What the authors were asked more than once in the comments under the video. That is, the contract for the purchase of a villa, at least, does not exactly apply to Olha Kyiashko.

Moreover, regarding the “journalistic investigation video”, it was published on a YouTube channel created a few days before the information about the purchase was thrown out. And the post of the investigative journalist himself raises many questions. Since, upon request in the search engine, Mohammed Al-Alawi, the investigative journalist gives only a link to the material about the purchase of the villa and no additional information about this person. In general, the text is full of value judgments and false information.

Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and level Ukrainian intentions to fight corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate for misappropriated funds from Western partners. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By dispersing such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption cannot be fixed in Ukraine, which is why it will be taken into the EU or NATO.

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