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Fake Zelenskyi's personal doctor allegedly fled to France

Russian resources are distributing a video with the BBC logo, which claims that the personal endocrinologist of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly did not return to Ukraine after finishing a medical conference in London. He decided to take a bus to Paris, where he subsequently applied for refugee status. Despite the fact that the Office of the President of Ukraine allegedly diligently hid the escape of doctor Zelenskyi, the Bellingcat research group managed to find out the “truth”.

In fact, this information is fake. Journalists from the StopFake project reported this. The BBC has never published this video on its social networks or website. In addition, none of the reputable Western media reported such an incident either. Such information is not available on the official resources of the Bellingcat research group.

It is the Russian media that writes about the “flight” of doctor Zelenskyi to France, citing the BBC. However, when clicking on a link in a publication, the reader is taken not to the original source, but to the main page of the British media company.

The Russians deliberately used the BBC logo and its design for propaganda purposes. The video itself is a compilation of various photo and video materials, probably taken from stock sites, featuring Volodymyr Zelenskyi, Hristo Grozev from Bellingcat, photographs of refugees and a train station in London. Finally, the video does not contain any information about “Zelenskyi’s doctor”, neither his photo nor his name.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that propagandists have used this format of fakes with links to the BBC and Bellingcat. Thus, we previously analyzed a fake video on behalf of Bellingcat about the funeral business in Ukraine, as well as another about how the head of the OP Andrii Yermak allegedly paid $27 million for a place in Time’s ranking of the 100 most influential people in the world.

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