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Manipulation Syrskyi allegedly said that F-16 fighters would not bring any benefit to Ukraine

Russian sources are disseminating information that allegedly the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, doubts that the F-16 aircraft that arrived in Ukraine will be effective in carrying out combat missions. One pro-Kremlin media wrote: “Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrskyi said that F-16 fighters will be absolutely useless for Ukraine”. When making up such things, propagandists refer to Syrskyi’s interview with the British newspaper The Guardian, published on July 24, 2024.

In fact, this information is not true, as described in the StopFake project. On the contrary, in his interview with The Guardian, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces expressed confidence that the F-16s will strengthen Ukraine’s air defense. In his opinion, they will make it possible to work more effectively against Russian cruise missiles and accurately hit ground targets.

In the interview, Syrskyi also admitted that Russia did have an advantage in aviation and a very strong air defense. However, he noted that F-16s should remain “40 km or more” from the front line due to the risk that the Russian Armed Forces will shoot them down. However, he did not talk about the uselessness of F-16 fighters for Ukraine, as propagandists claim.

By manipulating information, the Russians are trying to assure everyone around them that Ukraine is doomed to lose this war and that no F-16 will help it turn the tide. At the same time, with such false statements, propagandists actually show their fears about the appearance of these aircraft in service with the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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