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Disclosure Verified Twitter accounts are spreading misinformation about an imminent nuclear strike on Kyiv

Verified Twitter accounts are spreading misinformation about an imminent nuclear strike on Kyiv. 

This was told by the journalists of the Vice edition. They explained that after the explosion over the Kremlin, the so-called official Twitter accounts began to spread misinformation about the nuclear attack on Kyiv.

For example, a pseudo-verified account called DEFCONWarningSystem posted a post explaining that “we are currently evaluating rumors of nuclear movements in Russia”. Although this account has nothing to do with the real official agency.

After that, Twitter did not remove the verified checkmark in the account. If one clicks on the checkmark, the following message will pop up: “The account is not associated with any government agency and does not represent the alarm status of any military unit. Users should draw their own conclusions and not rely on account information”.

At the same time, this account also spreads apocalyptic information about Christian movements. That is, this account invents conspiracy theories. It has been verified by Twitter.

Another twitter “verified” account said that the authors had heard about the movement of nuclear bombers, and assured that these reports were “grossly unconfirmed”.

Although these accounts are unofficial, someone could write on their behalf. There was no confirmed information about the so-called nuclear strike on Kyiv. The authors of the channels began to talk about the so-called rumors, which also did not exist.

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